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Windows 8 & ACRE conflicts in ARMA3

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my buddy is having a problem getting his acre working. i have him setup exactly as i do, ive been working at this for about 3 hours now. im wondering if there is any knows bugs, or steps i must take to have it work. he isnt amazing at doing this, so im lending him a helping hand. Thanks to who ever helps. :yay:

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i can help you send me your ts3 adress in mp and i will come , oh and by the way you should post it on ACRE thread ;)

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Try posting in the existing ACRE thread instead of making a new one. Not only are you more likely to get help, but you're less likely to endure the wrath of the moderators.

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Beware my wrath! :D

Thread closed. Please use the one indicated by Jackal326.

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