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id like to create a vignetting effect, anybody has an idea on how to do that?


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Steamroller, a mission by Animal Mother utilised a similar effect to simulate goggles. The mission is contained within ACE for Arma 2. It may be worth getting in contact with AnimalMother92. I personally don't mind people rooting through code which I write, but others' may not hold the same opinion.

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So in Steamroller, the goggles effect is a .paa file (preferred image format for Arma). It was kindly made for me by MadDogX (who I believe is now a moderator on these forums). It works as a resource that you call up as an overlay in game. You could make something similar in Photoshop; have it mostly transparent (of course) and add the vignette bordering.

Basically you have to define it in your description.ext (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#rscTitles)

class RscTitles {
// define image here

and then call it in your init.sqf with cutRsc or titleRsc (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cutRsc | http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/titleRsc)

cutRsc ["whateverImageClassName","PLAIN"];

Feel free to poke around the mission files for reference.


Hope that helps.

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Hey thanks Animalmother, does anyone know what settings to use in Photoshop when saving .paa, I mean the dialog box with options that appears when saving.

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photoshop can't natively save in .paa, and the old plugins are utterly gash and tend not to actually work properly. Save as a 32bit tga, no compression and convert to .paa using texview 2 (available as part of the official tools package)

Remember texture naming conventions. For vignetting, that would be _ca.

Edited by Messiah

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