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Insect sounds too heavy?

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I think the insect sounds are exaggerated. All the time and everywhere you hear crickets (or somewhat) chirp. Even on the airfield with much concrete and all that. Sure it contributes to the atmosphere but after some time it's just annoying. I noticed it in my autum-like scenario situated in January with 100% overcast (rain disabled) and 50% fog but it sounds like midsummer 12 am without a single cloud in the sky.

Even when it sounds in real Greece like this all time, in this game it's just annoying and should be tuned down (level and intervals). No, I don't want to reduce my general volume, since all other sounds should remain as they are (footsteps, speech, gunfire, engines...).

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In 2035 there will be some pretty big insects due to radiation leakage.

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Well, that's your opinion RogueTrooper.

I think it should stay that way, since it adds a lot to the atmosphere. If you have ever been on a Greek island in summer, you know what I mean.

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