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TOH - Data file too short error - cant install

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I purchased TOH via direct download from BI. I keep getting the message below and it wont install:


Take On Helicopters


Data file too short 'E:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Take On Helicopters\addons\united_states_h_data_layers_02_03.pbo'. Expected 417697879 B, got 258975872 B




Can anyone help with this? I have tried several times, Thanks

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a) try install with admin rights

b) otherwise your HDD/RAM might be faulty - use software to verify

c) install on a 2nd computer and copy the files over to 1st

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You can might as well contact the company-website where you downloaded the game as a long shot. Now I will look into the problem more specifically and I will be back with more specific info.

Hope things work out.

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Thanks guys I will give it a shot.

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Well I checked some things out and here is what I found.

This problem usually occurs by a false check-sum. What it means is that where the program needed 417697879 Bytes it got 258975872 Bytes. So the program can not possibly run. This happens when a file is corrupted. Corrupted files have been reported in other situations so I can sadly not say that this is a surprise.

The solution would be to re-download the files for the game by the particular website. You should contact them. Personally I don't think that there is anything else you could do.

I hope that this problem will just increase the anxiety for this game and you will be even more thrilled.

Best Luck!

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  Helicopterenthusiast said:
Well I checked some things out and here is what I found.

This problem usually occurs by a false check-sum. What it means is that where the program needed 417697879 Bytes it got 258975872 Bytes. So the program can not possibly run. This happens when a file is corrupted. Corrupted files have been reported in other situations so I can sadly not say that this is a surprise.

The solution would be to re-download the files for the game by the particular website. You should contact them. Personally I don't think that there is anything else you could do.

I hope that this problem will just increase the anxiety for this game and you will be even more thrilled.

Best Luck!

Thanks for looking into this. I think I may have found the culprit. I was using a download program that downloads several parts of the file at once and I have a feeling that was it. I am re downloading everything without it and will report back once I install.

EDIT: That was it...install successful. Thanks all

Edited by dcal

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