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function returning "any"

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I am doing a stances indicator, my .sqf file look kinda like this:

if (isDedicated) exitWith {};

waitUntil {!isNull player && player == player};

_position = call getStance;
hint format ['%1 - %2 - %3',_position select 0, _position select 1, _position select 2];

getStance =
_animation = animationState player;
_stance = stance player;
_vPosition = "MIDDLE";
_hPosition = "MIDDLE";

if ( [_animation, "down"] call findStr ) then
	_vPosition = "DOWN";

if ( [_animation, "up"] call findStr ) then
	_vPosition = "UP";

if ( [_animation, "left"] call findStr ) then
	_hPosition = "LEFT";

if ( [_animation, "right"] call findStr ) then
	_hPosition = "RIGHT";

[_stance, _vPosition, _hPosition]

findStr =
_str1 = toArray(_this select 0);
_str2 = toArray(_this select 1);
_substr = [];
_result = false;

for "_i" from 0 to ((count _str2) - 1) do 
	_substr set [_i, _str1 select (count _str1 - count _str2 + _i)];

if([_substr, _str2] call BIS_fnc_areEqual) then 
	_result = true;


In the init.sqf file I have:

_null = [] execvm "myFile.sqf";

The hint shows "any - any - any", if I call the function inside an event handler like AnimDone, then the hint shows the correct values.

Does anyone knows why the function returns "any" and how could I fix it?

I suspect I need to add something else to the top waitUntil, but im not sure what.

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Hello! I was looking at it and was able to get the first value to say the correct value ( http://2.ii.gl/GhH2E.png ) but the last two say MIDDLE, not sure if that is correct! but this is what i did, just moved _position and the hint to the bottom of the script

if (isDedicated) exitWith {};

waitUntil {!isNull player && player == player};

getStance =
   _animation = animationState player;
   _stance = stance player;
   _vPosition = "MIDDLE";
   _hPosition = "MIDDLE";

   if ( [_animation, "down"] call findStr ) then
       _vPosition = "DOWN";

   if ( [_animation, "up"] call findStr ) then
       _vPosition = "UP";

   if ( [_animation, "left"] call findStr ) then
       _hPosition = "LEFT";

   if ( [_animation, "right"] call findStr ) then
       _hPosition = "RIGHT";

   [_stance, _vPosition, _hPosition]

findStr =
   _str1 = toArray(_this select 0);
   _str2 = toArray(_this select 1);
   _substr = [];
   _result = false;

   for "_i" from 0 to ((count _str2) - 1) do 
       _substr set [_i, _str1 select (count _str1 - count _str2 + _i)];

   if([_substr, _str2] call BIS_fnc_areEqual) then 
       _result = true;


_position = call getStance;
hint format ['%1 - %2 - %3',_position select 0, _position select 1, _position select 2];

Hope this helps! :)

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what toxic did, you need to define function first then call it not call it then define it.

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Thank you toxic and killzone, I come from other programming languages, but I should have though about this :P. Thank you very much..

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