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Dialog Layering Issues

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Is there anyone out there, that actually knows how the dialog system 'really' works?

We are now working with it for some time and have found out several things about it and ofcourse we are able to create dialogs to our needs, but in a very non-efficient way due to issues with the "layering" inside the dialogs.

Our main problem is that we have no idea how that layering works, like how to define a background picture (important, a picture!) that is actually in the background all the time.

Right now we just created a RscText due to it's "native idc" to be 1000 and making that object to be layered all the way behind everything else - then in the script later on we just change it's class to RscPicture, but ofcourse if we reload it into the editor it's still text and actually working on it without having the background inside the editor is very contraproductive.

So, is there anyone that really knows how to use the dialog system and/or editor in arma3 (or arma2 because it seems pretty much the same) that could help us on some issues?

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Use RscPicture:


to deal with layers, the way you define the elements differs how they are treated.

For instance you can specifically define something as the background to your UI and it will always be the first layer:

class RSLO_dlg {
   idd = -1;
   movingEnable = false;
   onLoad = "execVM 'RSLO\RSLO_ui_setup.sqf';uiNamespace setVariable ['RSLO_main_dlg', (_this select 0)];"
   objects[] = {};
   class controlsBackground {

[color=#ff0000]        class background: RSLO_RscPicture[/color]
[color=#ff0000]            {[/color]
[color=#ff0000]                idc = 1200;[/color]
[color=#ff0000]                text = "\ca\ui\data\ui_background_controls_ca.paa";[/color]
[color=#ff0000]                x = 0.0138894;[/color]
[color=#ff0000]                y = 0.194989;[/color]
[color=#ff0000]                w = 0.810784;[/color]
[color=#ff0000]                h = 0.629413;[/color]
[color=#ff0000]                moving = false;[/color]
[color=#ff0000]            };[/color]

   class controls {

       class extbtn: RSLO_RscShortcutButton
               idc = 1700;
               text = "Close";
               x = 0.47304;
               y = 0.721132;
               w = 0.16536;
               h = 0.110893;
               action = "closeDialog 0";
       class mainframe: RSLO_RscFrame
               idc = 1800;
               text = "RSLO";
               x = 0.0228757;
               y = 0.254902;
               w = 0.616339;
               h = 0.480174;
       class loadoutbox: RSLO_RscCombo
               idc = 2100;
               x = 0.0988562;
               y = 0.342048;
               w = 0.181699;
               h = 0.0324619;
               tooltip = "Select a loadout from the list box.";
       class terraindetbox: RSLO_RscCombo
               idc = 2101;
               x = 0.0972222;
               y = 0.488018;
               w = 0.180882;
               h = 0.0357298;
               tooltip = "Select a Terrain Detail level from the list box.";
       class looadouttxt: RSLO_RscText
               idc = 1000;
               text = "Loadouts";
               x = 0.126634;
               y = 0.281046;
               w = 0.168627;
               h = 0.0400872;
       class gearbtn: RSLO_RscShortcutButton
               idc = 1702;
               text = "Gear Up";
               x = 0.402778;
               y = 0.303922;
               w = 0.16536;
               h = 0.110893;
               action = "execVM 'RSLO\loadouts.sqf';";
       class terrdetbtn: RSLO_RscShortcutButton
               idc = 1701;
               text = "Set";
               x = 0.403595;
               y = 0.454248;
               w = 0.16536;
               h = 0.110893;
               action = "execVM 'RSLO\settr.sqf';";
       class terrndettxt: RSLO_RscText
               idc = 1001;
               text = "Terrain Detail";
               x = 0.104575;
               y = 0.430284;
               w = 0.168627;
               h = 0.0400872;
       class viewdisttxt: RSLO_RscText
               idc = 1002;
               text = "View Distance";
               x = 0.250817;
               y = 0.559912;
               w = 0.168627;
               h = 0.0400872;
       class RscSlider_1900: RSLO_RscSlider
               idc = 1900;
               x = 0.138889;
               y = 0.666667;
               w = 0.379412;
               h = 0.0488018;
               onSliderPosChanged = "_this call RSLO_set_vd_fnc;";
               tooltip = "Slide to set View Distance.";
       class viewdistnumb: RSLO_RscText
               idc = 1100;
               text = "1000";
               x = 0.294935;
               y = 0.610022;
               w = 0.168627;
               h = 0.0400872;

Also the order in which you define the controls will define their layers, so the first control you define will be your lowest layer or your first.

class RscTitles
   class dis_divecomp
       idd = -1;
       duration = 99999;
       name = "dis_divecomp";
       onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['dis_divecomp', _this select 0]";

[color=#ff0000]            class background: DIS_RscPicture
               text = "\DIS\pics\divercomp.paa";
               x = -28 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X;
               y = 0.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y;
               w = 25.5 * GUI_GRID_W;
               h = 19 * GUI_GRID_H;
               shadow = 0;
           class remaintime: DIS_RscText
               text = "00:00";
               x = -25.01 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X;
               y = 6.73 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y;
               w = 8.0505 * GUI_GRID_W;
               h = 3.41583 * GUI_GRID_H;
               colorText[] = 
               SizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 2)";
               shadow = 0;                
           class bottomtime: DIS_RscText
               text = "00:00";
               x = -25 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X;
               y = 11.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y;
               w = 8 * GUI_GRID_W;
               h = 3 * GUI_GRID_H;
               colorText[] = 
               SizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 2)";
               shadow = 0;


           class tempture1: DIS_RscText
               idc = IDC_DIVECOMPUTER_TEMP;
               text = "68";
               x = -10.5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X;
               y = 7 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y;
               w = 5.5 * GUI_GRID_W;
               h = 3.5 * GUI_GRID_H;
               colorText[] = 
               SizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 2)";
               shadow = 0;
           class depth: DIS_RscText
               idc = IDC_DIVECOMPUTER_DEPTH;
               text = "100";
               x = -10.5 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X;
               y = 11.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y;
               w = 5.5 * GUI_GRID_W;
               h = 3 * GUI_GRID_H;
               colorText[] = 
               SizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 2)";
               shadow = 0;
           class gassname: DIS_RscText
               idc = IDC_DIVECOMPUTER_GASSNAME;
               text = "P0.7";
               x = -16 * GUI_GRID_W + GUI_GRID_X;
               y = 11.5 * GUI_GRID_H + GUI_GRID_Y;
               w = 4.5 * GUI_GRID_W;
               h = 3 * GUI_GRID_H;
               colorText[] = 
               SizeEx = "(((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 2)";
               shadow = 0;


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Thanks for the answer.

Problem is not the code in the end, i probably did not make that very clear due to not really mentioning that i mean working inside the gui editor, sorry for that.

The problem is, saving it as a re-importable format for the gui editor and keeping the layers after it got imported into the editor itself.

Ofcourse the positioning in the script is no problem, even if we recently did not know about the script positioning we just manages to position everything by it's idc's.

But to our real issue, it is just totally annoying to load lets say a dialog template that contains the background for reusable dialogs and other things into the gui editor and not having the pictures in the background, mainly because these controlbackground parameters seem not able to be imported into the editor aswell.

That's why we had to use RscText all the time, because due to it's low idc it stayed in the back of everythign else but at least defined the basic region our dialog was supposed to be.

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Instead of using the copy paste import try (with your mission loaded and in the dialog editor)

Ctrl + I and type

missionConfigfile >> "YOUR_DIALOG"

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