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Arma Game Play Style Changing?

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What i've Seen

Now to me it looks like they way people play arma is different. Now the reason i say this is it seems that most of the game types aren't really what they used to be. Like Domination Or Evo, Now these game types are really what brings out the fun in arma and shows what it can do. Now idk if this is only because we are in Alpha but Right now im only seeing Wasteland And TDM servers :(... To me wasteland is o most like a Apocalypse/Life type game, with tdm and well it just doesnt feel right. I've played arma for a very long time, (Since Arma 1 came out) and to me it feels like the player base is changing. I think its changing because the DayZ mod brought it a bunch of newer players that i think is great, BUT they are used to BF3/COD and other FPS like that and now because there are more of them then older arma players it seems like people are trying to bring in the FPS type style game play into arma which i am not happy about at all, just because they arent patient enough to learn how to play the game like they can to its full potential. And i understand that its hard to learn when you dont have any support so i think that the experienced arma players need to start making detailed tutorials and explanations of how to play arma realilistically but keep it fun. So with that said I love the game, i love Bohemia Interactive and the games they make, i even bought the supporter addition, but i just dont want to see the old game types like Domi And evo go away because a bunch of old FPS players outnumber the normal players.

So now let me ask what do you guys think.

If this is in the wrong area please move it to the proper one, i tried to find a spot to fit but couldnt find any other then the general board.

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Stratis is too small to encourage the larger scale gameplay of things like Domi and Insurgency. Additionally, there are very few vehicles/vehicle types in the game so far. Many of the things that make those "mainstay" gameplay types you're talking about work aren't in ArmA 3 yet. I'm not concerned.

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Your post really caught my attention. I have been making a strong push for the use of controllers as stand alone playable on the basis that it would port over NO COD fans and only the best BF3 fans who were looking for a more realistic environment to play in. DAYZ? ... Maybe, but that was free and was itself a wasteland type setting (I never played it admittedly, I'm a tactics guy). I'm seeing great missions on Armaholic for SP and Coop, tons of effort and all kinds of mods. As it relates to most controller players, we have big screen tv's and play in the dark until the wee hours. I have some seen Domination or BTB (Big team battle) style play, but they are indeed more complex, take longer to develop (well) and some may not to have to rewrtie large , incompatible mission, just to have to re-write them (Scott Galkin_Error). I did read in the new release they were only allowing one save, so people would take their life seriously.

â€some (few) players try to run and gun, there is no instant ammo on the battlefield, and you will likely get zapped very early on when they can't see the people running around and playing tag with guns. I respect your concern, but we as a community, regardless of how you input commands, will collectively drive those players in to line or they will quit when they see it is a military simulation game, which is taken seriously and many people see it a labor of love not just some game. Besides, it the only left of this caliber and all the other (lessor) titles will be released right at the same time. As they say, it's not for everyone. My tactics and strategy are very good, and controllers will not bring along historically poor game play. Keep the faith it will be the best title yet by the best players, even if it is a mish mash of old ways and new ways of inputting commands. Fresh blood of the energetic good ones may bring on some of the most creative gameplay to date to date ... it usually does.

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JDean12341, public servers are more likely to have "pick up and play" missions/matches, so it sounds like you're simply looking in the wrong place.

It should be added that in addition to what MacScottie said, the whole "freedom" thing means that Domination and Evo can't actually die because the servers aren't BI's to (directly) to control; for example, MP scene doesn't consist of "private matches" plus public playlists distributed by BI. :p I've already seen and played Insurgency in Arma 3 -- on a pick-up-and-play public server no less -- it's just that it's up to the server admin what mission gets hosted.

It should be added that unlike most games, instead of "a public MP scene split by DLC or no DLC", Arma 3's public MP scene is split between stable and development branches. As of this post I'm looking at the server browser and at the top of the list (sorted by player count) I just found a public server on the dev branch with 24/46 players running "co46 2nd Ranger Battalion Stratis Domination 1.55".

Amusing thought: There was actually a bit of mixed-bag reaction to the "Close Quarters" (infantry CQB-centric) DLC from Battlefield 3 players... especially from those who "went from COD to BF3" because they wanted vehicles, bigger maps and more strategy. ;)

EDIT: In retrospect, I just figured out one of the complications that you may not have considered -- unless a "large scale" mission starts with the participants already connected with roles selected, unit cohesion is going to be all over the place; this is my experience with the times that I've played the "large scale" missions on public servers with JIP, and I believe that this issue is one thing that encourages more "pick up and play" missions on public servers.

Edited by Chortles

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yes, as a whole... things are changing. but, regardless i will still play arma even on vanilla. i may open arma one again and have a little nostalgia of what it used to be. it unfortunately runs horrible on my new computer lol

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Hello there

The "play style" within arma's public scene changes dramatically every once in a while when someone comes up with a new interesting idea.

Remember, there were times before Evo and Domination where most missions were 1 life only traditional ones. I've spent many hours flying around as a bird waiting for a restart.

At the moment in A2 the community seems to have polarised around the Dayzesque persistent survival missions and the hardcore ACE/ACRE community. The same thing will happen with A3. Once more new *stuff* is added to the game it will open up new playtype possibilities which in turn will be snapped up my the mission makers and then those missions will become vogue.

The persistence of missions like Evo/Dom etc is that they are *easy* to jump in and out of whereas joining a regular mission late results in having to yomp miles on foot, if one can even reach a target.

Things are going to be a little squirrelly until we get a full and final release. It part of the fun of a alpha/beta:)



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Actually, in my experiences even Domination and Insurgency can support JIP but then "group" arrangement is all a mess for JIP since, as said above, the chances of ending up in a squad whose members are scattered around the map is high and a pickup unlikely, which screws with group cohesion... Domination and Insurgency in Arma 3 aren't less prone to "having to yomp miles on foot, if one can even reach a target". :p

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Yeah, as said before...

Stratis is quite small.

Few assets and vehicles.

Lots of new players who do not know how to team up yet.

But there are missions like 'Whole lota Stratis' and 'Invade & Anex' that are similar to Domi...

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It's still too soon. There was a working http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148074-MP-COOP-GITS-EVOLUTION-main-thread but it's currently being re-written due to build issues. I was hosting it on mine as soon as it came available an it will definatly be 1-3 missions I host. Now if the game was at release an if all we saw was the ArmA2 (other) maps than I'd be worried. Just need to wait for more content/beta. Have u played the Invade Annex it's Domination inspired coop. I also noticed the gameplay changin on OA side too but was still playin vanillal Chenarus missios.

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