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Object Distance and View Distance

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I was just playing with my view distance and noticed that the as the view distance increases so does the object distance... but the thing that is odd is that the object distance is like 500 meters shorter. Wouldn't you want the object distance to be slightly more then the view distance so the objects would load before you could see them?

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It doesn't work quite like that. If you had the object distance more than the view distance (which you cannot do) then you'd have objects load into view before the terrain they're resting on. It would lead to floating objects in the distance especially at shorter view distances. You also don't want objects to load before terrain even if they are hidden from view somehow because it's an unnecessary strain on the system. That's why you'd have objects either load right when the terrain loads, or someplace closer, as it is now.

I'm not on my gaming PC but I'm pretty sure you can set the object view distance up to the value of the view distance but not over.

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