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Information datalinks for combined warfare

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Does ARMA3 have, or does it have the capability to have, information datalinks such a NTDS or GCCS? This type of system is the basis of the UI's for games such as Jane's Fleet Command and Harpoon 3 (to some extent).

Radar operators should be able to detect aircraft, share with other consumers, track them, identify them as friend or foe, then task SAMs or air interceptors towards a track number using a common datalink. Controllers don't tell pilots to kill targets at bearings, they provide track numbers provided by datalinks. This type of stuff has been used by the military for decades now, and if this is a game in the near future I would think something like this should be in there. Just looking at symbology on a map when you hit 'M' just isn't that same.

Fleet Command:

http://www.naval.com.br/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Fleet-Command-Malvinas-1.jpg (132 kB)

Thanks for your time.

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These answers are based on my familiarity with other Arma versions.

The answer to does it have it is sort of, but probably not in the way you're thinking. AI share information through a central command. They report stuff that happens, and then command will issue orders to send other units to respond if necessary. Arma also formerly has a high command interface that allows a player to issue high level orders to squad leaders to coordinate them. I think they share local information with the high commander as map updates. I don't know if they're continuing high command but I would be surprised if they dropped it.

The answer to is there a potential for it is probably. There are many scripting commands that deal with awareness, and people have scripted radar like systems before. A suite of this kind would no doubt be extremely complex, though.

Lastly, there is a certain size limit for objects both for physical size and for pathfinding considerations, and so many naval units would be precluded because of that. The naval objects in A3, if I am not mistaken, are more or less static and not actual naval units. That said, you could still have a destroyer or carrier sitting out there somewhere, and it could also have radar and weapon systems on it, it just wouldn't be a functioning boat.

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