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WIP: New NL (dutch) flecktarn camo.

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Hey there community of bohemia,

this is my first retexture attempt the new NL flacktern camo I used the Bundeswehr addon and retextured it.

Though im struggling to get it ingame under the NL name instat of BW anyone that knows how I can get it ingame properly without it keep saying BW uniform but NL Uniform cause if I keep it like this it wont be compatible with the BW mod and give the wrong name ingame.

Anyhow here's some screencaps:

http://s15.postimg.org/448de6ngr/2013_05_20_00001.jpg (301 kB)



Edited by Nonex

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You need to update the config.cpp file (which I would think you had to do anyway to get as far as you did). In here you're going to give it a new classname as well as a new 'displayname' (which is what you're asking about).

There is a good walkthough here

I learned the ins and outs of the config.cpp file by just reading through a few of them and playing around with it.

Your mod looks nice, might want to add some texture and maybe dirty up the uniform a bit?

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Thanks for the quick reply and advice Mustangdelta I will try and figure it out. But just where can I find this config file? And Im only able to see the stuff ingame if I use the BW.pbo version wich I overwrited. But when I chance all the BW to NL in the config log that was included in the .pbo file I cant seem to get the files ingame :/

Edited by Nonex

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It may be a config.bin file you're looking for. It'll be in the original PBO. You need to unpack it (Eliteness is a good program), save it in notepad, make your changes as outlined above and save it as a config.cpp file. There are a lot of tutorials to walk you through that in greater detail. I'm by no means the expert on this.

However, if you plan to redistribute this, you should get permission from the creator of the Bundeswehr addon as it appears you're using some of his work for your retexture.

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I might have something you like, currently uploading a rar file.

The rar file contains a .pbo that should have a retexture of the BIS Nato soldier to a Dutch NFP (Green and Tan) soldier.

The rar also contains the raw material (two texture files and the config file).

The camoflage used comes directly from a published TNO research and is the official camo that will be put in service.

When the upload is done I will send the link by PM.

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Alright so i worked out that config you linked here is my code I think the game is reading the config now but i cant launch arma now its stating that my nl_retex\config.ccp, line 75: .cfgpatches:Member already defined.

Here is my config:

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As is always the problem with recreating real world patterns in Arma, you will have to adjust brightness and saturation quite drastically. Don't mind if in Photoshop the texture will then look rather dull and dark, but in game it will then blend into the game world as well as the real world uniform does in the real world. The default textures by BIS also tend to be a bit off, in most cases too bright, so don't use them as reference.

Also mind to never use just one photo for reference, because you need different lighting conditions and differently washed variants to feel how it works, and the camera will always manipulate the colors in some way, so you also have to look at the environment in the photo. Look, these are supposed to be the same pattern:

http://www.boekje-pienter.nl/images/camouflage-nieuw.jpg (weird lighting, because it is in full shadow, but overexposed)




and here another one, with both NFP-Green and also NFP-Tan:



As you see, the "Green" variant is certainly lighter than e.g. German 5-color Flecktarn, but a bit darker still than Multicam, and not at all so yellowish as MC, but colder. The Tan variant is even lighter than 3-color DCU and its tone is also a bit colder compared to the DCU. Because it is a new pattern, we cannot rule out some small deliberate color tweaks between above photo sets, but if so, they are smaller than the usual printing and washing differences.

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  Nonex said:
Alright so i worked out that config you linked here is my code I think the game is reading the config now but i cant launch arma now its stating that my nl_retex\config.ccp, line 75: .cfgpatches:Member already defined.

Here is my config:

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It looks like you made a config for every gearitem or uniform used and pasted them into one config.

The error states you already defined the CfgPatcher because its already defined (three times).

  Brainbug said:
As is always the problem with recreating real world patterns in Arma, you will have to adjust brightness and saturation quite drastically. Don't mind if in Photoshop the texture will then look rather dull and dark, but in game it will then blend into the game world as well as the real world uniform does in the real world. The default textures by BIS also tend to be a bit off, in most cases too bright, so don't use them as reference.

Also mind to never use just one photo for reference, because you need different lighting conditions and differently washed variants to feel how it works, and the camera will always manipulate the colors in some way, so you also have to look at the environment in the photo. Look, these are supposed to be the same pattern:

http://www.boekje-pienter.nl/images/camouflage-nieuw.jpg (weird lighting, because it is in full shadow, but overexposed)




and here another one, with both NFP-Green and also NFP-Tan:



As you see, the "Green" variant is certainly lighter than e.g. German 5-color Flecktarn, but a bit darker still than Multicam, and not at all so yellowish as MC, but colder. The Tan variant is even lighter than 3-color DCU and its tone is also a bit colder compared to the DCU. Because it is a new pattern, we cannot rule out some small deliberate color tweaks between above photo sets, but if so, they are smaller than the usual printing and washing differences.

Nonex has received textures that have the camouflage applied, the camouflage on those textures have been made with digital camouflage file (pdf) from the TNO Research results.

The camouflage shown on the last two links are outdated and were testing examples of the camouflage during research. The Tan version on that photos looks quite different now.

Edited by VXR

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thx, I'm always interested in new camo patterns and how they perform. Seems like the Dutch soldiers will be quite invisible in the future :D (although the "old" DPM wasn't bad, just a tad dark at times, like most of the "older" camo patterns).

And it also seems to me that equipment will be relatively well cross-compatible (although that is not desired, it does happen that soldiers have to wear mixed woodland stuff and desert gear), because the tan variant became a good deal darker than the early prototype. Might also turn out to be great in central european deciduous forests and/or in autumn, wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of airsofters, hunters and other people jumping through the woods in that stuff.

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  Brainbug said:
thx, I'm always interested in new camo patterns and how they perform. Seems like the Dutch soldiers will be quite invisible in the future :D (although the "old" DPM wasn't bad, just a tad dark at times, like most of the "older" camo patterns).

And it also seems to me that equipment will be relatively well cross-compatible (although that is not desired, it does happen that soldiers have to wear mixed woodland stuff and desert gear), because the tan variant became a good deal darker than the early prototype. Might also turn out to be great in central european deciduous forests and/or in autumn, wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of airsofters, hunters and other people jumping through the woods in that stuff.

True, I think in the first 2 years when its beeing distributed it will be hard to get it for a nice price.

They are receiving a order of 30000 I believe and then add up later. (Fighters first)

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