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Need help cant open Evo to edit it

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So I posted this before but the site refused to load.

So Now I am going to re post but faster >_>

Ok so I de pbod Evo blue CO and when I try to open it it says some file in a folder called dialogs is not there. The file was called something like evo main menu.

All I want to do is spawn some new vehicles.

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Little short on details there, why your not getting a response.

But did you remove something or change something in a file?

and what exactly is the error your getting, as making us guess wont get you help.

You want real help go to the Evolution mission master Eggbeast, go here:


and ask him.

Edited by Gnter Severloh

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Dialog configuration is stored in a config.cpp file. This is then binarized into a config.bin file. If there's a way to open missions with config.bin files in the Editor I haven't found a way yet.

You can unBin it with this tool. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=229

Once you have the config.cpp file it should work.

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