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New Unit Config Issue

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Hello ladies and gentlemen:

I'm working on some very simple reskins of BI Units for some private releases for training. I've got the config all dandy and working, and there are no errors. The issue however is that there is a custom texture but it is not being applied to the unit.

Steps for making this that have not yet worked:

  • I took the default US_Officer_EP1 model and placed it into my P Drive in a new folder
  • I then took the corresponding texture and put that in a "Data" Folder in that folder.
  • I then put the custom textures in the folder.
  • I put a hidden select texture line in the folder.

When I load the the character, it continues to load the default BI skin. I cannot figure out how to change the thing!

Thanks in Advance..


// retexture mod for standard US Forces adding many different variants by Dammond.

#define private		0
#define protected		1
#define public		2

#define true	1
#define false	0

#define TEast		0
#define TWest		1
#define TGuerrila		2
#define TCivilian		3
#define TSideUnknown		4
#define TEnemy		5
#define TFriendly		6
#define TLogic		7

class CfgPatches {
class dar_us_acu {
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1.02;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CACharacters", CA_E, "CACharacters_E_Head", "CACharacters2", "CACharacters_E", "CAWeapons_E"};

class CfgVehicleClasses {
class dar_us_acu {
	displayName = "7th Cavalry RGT.";

class CfgVehicles {
class Man;						// External class references
class SoldierWB;
class US_Soldier_Base_EP1;
class US_Soldier_Officer_EP1;	

class US_Soldier_Officer_EP1_Richards : US_Soldier_Officer_EP1 {			// Custom Character model of SFC.Richards.D, Armour School Instructor
	vehicleClass = "dar_us_acu";
	displayName = "SFC.Richards.D";
	side = TWest;
	faction = BIS_US
	identityTypes[] = {""};
	model = "\dar_USCav\us_officer.p3d";
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\dar_USCav\tex4_co.paa"};

Folder Name: dar_USCav

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Alright.. I've sent quite a while doing research on the forums, and for something that seems simple, I will admit there is not a lot of documentation. From what I have learned, my model still has its textures mapped to the default ca/characters_e.pbo. I need my texture maps moved to my addon. To do that I either needed to use a Hex Editor, or use MoveObject.exe. I decided on the second.. and I sort of had luck. After over an hour of trying I did get it to work, but it is not ideal. Here is the line I used:

P:\MoveObject>Moveobject.exe dar_USCav\us_officer.p3d ca\characters_e dar_USCav
Moveobject.exe Version 2.24, Dll 4.02 us_officer.p3d

Now, this DOES work, but it isn't what I wanted. I wanted a very simple addon. P3D file goes in the folder, and one folder "Data" for the textures. What I had to do was get my main folder, A folder called "US" , and inside of that the Data folder. I had to do this because of the way it made the replacement, looks like this:

Replacing ca\characters_e with dar_uscav\us\data\tex4.rvmat

And that kept making the destination "dar_uscav\us\data" not "dar_uscav\data" like I wanted.

Any thoughts on how to make it stop doing this?

Anyway.. I'm going to sleep now.

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What is the source path?

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I decided to make a new folder in my P Drive called "MoveObject". Inside that I had the characters_e.pbo and my DAR_USCav folder, with the Data folder inside of it. I also had the Moveobject.exe program in that folder.

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Hi RichardsD,

I am quite new to the modding world and I am having a similar problem to you. Did you ever get your re-texture working? If so, let me know please.


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I did, but not ideally. I used that command, and looked what directory it wanted. If for example I made GAME/MOD/PHOTO/texture.paa and it gave me US/MOD/PHOTO/CATS/DOGS/texture.paa or something, I just made that directory in my mod folder and it worked fine.

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I do have the same problem as you fella, the model has camo01 selection however it does not load the texture from hiddenselection.

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