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[Requests] Improve Boxes (+Squad.xml btw)

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Hi all ! ;)

I don't realy know where to make a request to improve the game so I'll make it here.


- It would be great to have boxes wich can be use like in ACE or with the R3F/BTC script.

Basically you put stuff/gear on a box, then you can drag this box and load it into a vehicle. So you can airdrop/airlift the box, load it into a car or even a boat etc.

It very usefull and more realistic than load a lot of stuff/gear into the vehicle itself...

And for a realistic look it could be great to see this box attach to the vehicle or in the vehicle.

- It would be nice to have special boxes with just gear and clothes wich work in MP.

Right now if you want to have boxes with clothes on it you have to made it yourself, and its doesn't work well in MP. (You have to put clothes on the ground and only after you can take it. Or you have to use script that create the clothes on the boxes in local so player can take it.)

So just make boxes with clothes and gear which work in MP. Because now people like to custom their character before fighting etc. ;)


Not something realy important, but this is something unique and nice. In all game now you can put your team tag before your name for exemple, and in Arma its realy nice to have the logo and more informations too.

But its to bad that there is no more logo on shoulders. So it'll be nice to have it back, like in Arma II.

So I'm not asking hard stuff, just a few improvement.

What do you think about it?

Best regards,


Edited by Soronelite

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Hi, i think that booth ideas are great, but to pull or push the box it'll need specific animations (mo-cap), and about the squad.xml, what i would like is that it were stored on the player's computer, just in the same folder where you put your custom face, for example... and with another file extension than .paa; i think that .png and .gif will be better than .paa, as this would allow more players to have their own custom logo ingame without the need of be part of a klan and without be a too complex process. So in that way would be better for the players as the number of people who could add a bit of 'em to the game... will be higher and they'll feel that the game belongs more to 'em increasing the love for the game, in other words... "hook 'em good". Let's C ya

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Re : Boxes : In Arma there is already an animation, at least, like in ACE or with script, you can drag the box with the same animation used to drag wounded soldiers.

Re : Squad.Xml, its right, it could help people who begin in Arma. But I think we must keep the .paa and do not use .jpg or .png, because they can be to heavy, and for example if there is a lot of player with differents logos, the server have to send all the logo to all player, and this may cause lag. (like the custom audio files for example.)

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