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skipTime alternative for day-night cycle

Do we need a daycycle speed command?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Do we need a daycycle speed command?

    • Yes, yes, I want to have 30 minute gamedays without hiccups!
    • Naaah, it is good as is, this is a sim after all!

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Currently skipTime effects everything: clouds and weather too. It has always been the same, and I understand it: Arma is a simulator, skip time should be used when you really want to skip time. Otherwise 1:1 is what you get.

Now, I've been wondering how many of us would like to use a faster daycycle for long (etc. survival type) multi-day, immersive scenarios, which is currently not possible. In a 2 hour mission you can play through 2 game hours: you cannot have sunsets, night to day transitions, etc. I pay for total realism with not being able to immerse myself into what this new engine really offers: and this could be changed by one seemingly simple command..

What do you think, while we are still in alpha?

Edited by zapat

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Yep, I would like an option like that, I often use the excellerate time script to give the effect of multiple days, or at least one cycle for one hours gaming.

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Yes, so do I , but that has its drawbacks: kills performance and the cycle speed is not the only thing that changes...

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