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Arma SECOP Module

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I am creating own missions since a while and i'm using the secop module.

Now i have three different teams in my mission and all the team leaders are synchronised with the secop module.

My question:

What is the correct script i have to use to let the secop module different missions for the three different teams so when playing with three teams, all the teams has a different mission?

The code i am using in the module's init is:

this setVariable ["settings", [["ambush", "attack_location", "trap", "rescue", "patrol", "escort", "defend_location", "destroy", "search"], true, ["Bravo", ["Bravo"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]], 120, false,30,0.8,[4000, 20000]]];

Hoping for a solution,

Kindly regards,

Rick "Skunk" Winkelman

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I've been wondering about this myself as well, I guess I'll do a little extra research and see what I can find, hopefully there's an answer. This would be great, a whole new approach to mission creating; just imagine an air wing team doing what they do, while you have a delta, seal, armor, infantry teams doing separate missions themselves keeping everyone busy.

Just found a thread with a briefing.sqf template, may not be exactly what we want, but I believe it's a good start. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?108861-Briefing-to-specific-group-only


gpW = [cmd2, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, w9, w10];


waituntil {!isNull player};
if (player in gpW) then {
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Briefing", ""]];
tskobj_1 = player createSimpleTask["NAME OF TASK"];
tskobj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Put your Description of the task/objective here to let others know 	what they are supposed to do.", "NAME OF TASK", "TASK HUD TITLE"];
tskobj_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "NAME OF MARKER");

Edited by JSF 82nd Reaper

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I am not sure how many SECOP threads you plan to create but can you quit it at 5? I have deleted the 4 others.

Do not create new threads constantly to try and increase your chances on an answer, also I fail to see why you need a new thread while you already have a SECOP thread here in which you can ask your question.

§9) Do not cross-post

Do not post duplicate threads in more than one forum simply to get an answer quicker or to draw more attention to your post.

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