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-J4F- Thunder666

Marker creation with trigger ?

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i tried to create a Marker with a trigger.

"bcw" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; "bcw" setMarkerType "mil_objective"; marker=createMarker ["bcw", getpos player];

nothing happen, whats wrong ? someone can help maybe ?

thx in advance

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marker = createMarker ["bcw", position player]; "bcw" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; "bcw" setMarkerType "mil_objective";

: )

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Create a icon

MARK1 = createMarker["Objective1",[getPos h1 select 0, getPos h1 select 1]];
MARK1 setMarkerShape "ICON";
MARK1 setMarkerText "Blow Up UH-60M";
MARK1 setMarkerType "dot";
MARK1 setmarkercolor "ColorBlue";
MARK1 setMarkerDir 120;
MARK1 setMarkerSize [1, 1];

h1 is a invisible Helipad or any object's. if you want use marker's intense object's, change getpos command to getmarkerpos.

Create a sector

MARK2 = createMarker["Objective2",[getPos h2 select 0, getPos h2 select 1]];
MARK2 setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
MARK2 setmarkercolor "ColorBlue";
MARK2 setMarkerSize [30, 30];
MARK2 setMarkerBrush "SOLID";
MARK2 setMarkerDir 90;

Take a look for more command's : Category:Scripting Commands

Edited by Persian MO

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