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Clients cant join locally hosted edited mission

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Hi guys

I've tried to find a solution to this and got nowhere. Once again I would be grateful for a little guidance from you ArmA 3 gurus.

My problem is that I have made my first coop mission under the dev biuld 0.55.

I save it as a multiplayer mission and then host it locally.

I can join it no problem but when my clan mates try and join they get disconnected.

What we do know is that we are all running the same dev build version and that when I host any other map that I haven't made they can join and play without any difficulty.

This is clearly something my end and clearly something about the map that is wrong.

I do have triggers in the map and some of the waypoints have red squares on them which believe indicates a code error. However they still work.

Would the dodgy way points cuase this?

Is this something you guys have come across before?

I realise there may be about 100 reasons why this is happening and you probably need more info but just in case it is a common thing that somebody recognises I thought it might be constructive to throw it out there and see what comes back.

Thanks Guys


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Did you check the server's log for more info? It could be the reason for not accepting clients is in there.

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Did you check the server's log for more info? It could be the reason for not accepting clients is in there.

I didn't. Where would I find that?

Remember this is being hosted locally on my computer and we don't have a server.

Would there still be an error log?

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normally it resides in {profile path}\{profile username}\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Alpha (rpt files and/or mpstatistics (if used in startup parameter))

Edited by ozzbik
path error

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normally it resides in {system drive}\{profile username}\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Alpha (rpt files and/or mpstatistics (if used in startup parameter))

Yep, got it. Thanks for that. I'll try again tommorrow and see what it says when a client can't join.

Thanks for your help mate.

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Yep, got it. Thanks for that. I'll try again tommorrow and see what it says when a client can't join.

Thanks for your help mate.

Hi Guys

I've just been trying to get my clan mates to play on this map again and they still can't join LOL.

I have posted the log for the last attemp on the interweb just in case someone out there can make sense of it and offer a solution.

You can find it here

As a bit of a clue one of them gets the "missing A3_Soft_F_Galkin [ALPHA]" error. I have just jumped on team viewer and applied this fix but he is still getting it.

I realise this is probably looking for a needle in a haystack but any help would be appreciated.

As a test I created a simple map with 4 playable players on it and nothing else. I saved it as a multiplayer map and hosted it. Everyone was able to join it without any trouble?

This map I have been working on has tasks, triggers, modules and waypoints galore that all seem to work fine for me but no one else can get in.

Thanks Guys


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So I guess you don't use the dedicated server workaround but use the ingame game hosting. :)

Could you ask your clan mates what they get their rpt logs?

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So I guess you don't use the dedicated server workaround but use the ingame game hosting. :)

Could you ask your clan mates what they get their rpt logs?

Will do. I'll post them tonight once I get hold of them :p

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As there are security modifications to the alpha (against hacking) it could be your scripts are the problem. But we'll see.

Also in your rpt there was an error about a description.ext file. Could you read this; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?82217-Mission-refuses-to-run and check if it has anything to do with you problem?

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As there are security modifications to the alpha (against hacking) it could be your scripts are the problem. But we'll see.

Also in your rpt there was an error about a description.ext file. Could you read this; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?82217-Mission-refuses-to-run and check if it has anything to do with you problem?

Okeedoke. I've just read the thread you posted and checked the relevant files and they seem okay.

If anyone is interested this is a link to the entire mission file and the .pbo made from it.

Hopefully one of you will see the mistake I have made and point it out.

This runs fine when hosted by me but wont let anyone join.

If anyone does get it going remember it is unfinished and designed to have the AI disabled so all clients can pick there soldier type and then play as one squad.

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Guys, whats this client limit I am reading about in the forums? Could that be the cause of this? I have 33 playable soldiers on my map.

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Hi guys this is the .rpt from a clan mate trying to join the map. Hopefully it may give you guys a clue as to what is happening.

It mentions the description.ext file again. You can see this by downloading this file so if there is something wrong with it I would obviously be grateful to find out what LOL

Thanks in advance for any help on this guys.


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For that error, try to include the following:

class Header


gameType = COOP; //game type

minPlayers = 1; //min # of players the mission supports

maxPlayers = 10; //max # of players the mission supports


More info about this file: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext

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For that error, try to include the following:

class Header


gameType = COOP; //game type

minPlayers = 1; //min # of players the mission supports

maxPlayers = 10; //max # of players the mission supports


More info about this file: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext

Hi mate

That was already in the description.ext and I have already read that wiki link top to bottom in an effort to try and fix this :)

Thanks for the reply though mate it is appreciated.



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Lol, had your old mission files. :P

http://www.ofpec.com/faq/index.php?action=read&cat=64&id=55 another usefull link I guess.

Will look into it this evening.

Nice one mate thanks.

It should be noted that the current description.ext is one I swiped from mission called sweep made by a guy called R0T that I downloaded from armaholics.

Having seen the error code in the RPT I thought it would be an idea to use this known working one as a template and modify it rather than the orginal one I had made myself that wans't working.

I have since removed the debriefing part of the description.ext but besides that it is the same as the one in the link I have provided.

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I've check the mission and can reproduce the problem. The logs are full with nonnetwork errors, which could be problematic client scripts.

So it could be that one of the clientscripts used which a causing this behaviour. As i understand now the errors aren't always shown.

Will try some other stuff to find out the exact issue (learn new things everytime :) )

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I've check the mission and can reproduce the problem. The logs are full with nonnetwork errors, which could be problematic client scripts.

So it could be that one of the clientscripts used which a causing this behaviour. As i understand now the errors aren't always shown.

Will try some other stuff to find out the exact issue (learn new things everytime :) )

Awesome ozzbik, thanks for your help on this mate :cool:

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