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-J4F- Thunder666

broken Arti Script since last Patch, need help please

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hi Guys,

so we use the phantastic Bon Arti from Arma 2 for our MP c&h Maps. Now since last Patch the "add to Player Function" is broken and no longer works :(. Iam not really good with scripting so i need your help to fix this .

I think the Problem is the arti_init where the player get`s the Arti Menue.

BON_ARTI_PATH = "bon_artillery\";

// Call sign for imaginary Artillery Operator
HW_Arti_CallSign = "ODIN";
HW_me_CallSign = "Valkyrie";

// Number cannons
HW_Arti_CannonNumber = 10;

// Number rounds per hour
HW_arti_number_shells_per_hour = 250;
// element: [displayname,config type-entry]
HW_arti_types = [["n.a.",""],["n.a.",""],["n.a.",""],["HE/small","Grenade"],["Smoke","SmokeShell"],["Illumination","Flare_82mm_AMOS_White"]];

// max. nr. shells each cannon can fire in one fire mission
HW_arti_maxnrshells = 5;

// element: [displayname,splashdown dispersion in meters]; LASER must have dispersion < 0 to work
HW_arti_spreads = [[">> 0 <<",0],[">> 25 <<",25],[">> 50 <<",50],[">> 75 <<",75],[">> 100 <<",100],[">> 150 <<",150],[">> 200 <<",200],["n.a.",-1]];

// if true each player can see his/her position when opening the map
HW_arti_show_pos_on_map = false;

/****************************** RESTRICTIONS ******************************************************************/

//### Specify classes artillery should be restricted to, or leave the array empty
_arti_cond_classes = [];

//### Specify sides artillery should be restricted to (either WEST, EAST, GUER, CIVILIAN), or leave the array empty
_arti_cond_sides = [];

//### Specify weapons player must have to call in artillery, or leave the array empty
_arti_cond_weapons = ["Binocular"];

//### define own conditions by replacing the 'true', ( e.g. _arti_cond_other = "!alive tank1 && !alive tank2"; )
_arti_cond_other = "GP_ART != -1";


// you are finished here


arti_func_getLaser = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers (BON_ARTI_PATH+"bon_arti_func_getlaser.sqf"));

[] spawn {
if(isServer) then{
	"bon_arti_execution" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) execVM (BON_ARTI_PATH+"bon_arti_fire.sqf")};

	for "_i" from 1 to HW_Arti_CannonNumber do{
		Server setVariable [format["Arti_WEST_Cannon%1_available",_i],true,true];
		Server setVariable [format["Arti_EAST_Cannon%1_available",_i],true,true];
		Server setVariable [format["Arti_GUER_Cannon%1_available",_i],true,true];
		Server setVariable [format["Arti_CIV_Cannon%1_available",_i],true,true];
	Server setVariable ["Arti_WEST_requestor",ObjNull,true];
	Server setVariable ["Arti_EAST_requestor",ObjNull,true];
	Server setVariable ["Arti_GUER_requestor",ObjNull,true];
	Server setVariable ["Arti_CIV_requestor",ObjNull,true];
	[] spawn {
		while{true} do {
			Server setVariable ["Arti_WEST_shellsleft",HW_arti_number_shells_per_hour,true];
			Server setVariable ["Arti_EAST_shellsleft",HW_arti_number_shells_per_hour,true];
			Server setVariable ["Arti_GUER_shellsleft",HW_arti_number_shells_per_hour,true];
			Server setVariable ["Arti_CIV_shellsleft",HW_arti_number_shells_per_hour,true];
			if(time>10) then{
				Server setVehicleInit "
					[playerSide,'HQ'] sideChat format['Artillery operator: %1 Rounds available.',HW_arti_number_shells_per_hour];
				"; processInitCommands;
			sleep 3600;
if(isDedicated) exitWith{};
WaitUntil{not isNull player};

_arti_cond_class = "false";
if(count _arti_cond_classes > 0) then {
{_arti_cond_class = _arti_cond_class + " || typeOf player == " + str _x } foreach _arti_cond_classes;
} else{_arti_cond_class = "true"};

_arti_cond_side = "false";
if(count _arti_cond_sides > 0) then {
{_arti_cond_side = _arti_cond_side + " || playerSide == " + str _x} foreach _arti_cond_sides;
} else{_arti_cond_side = "true"};

_arti_cond_weapon = "false";
if(count _arti_cond_weapons > 0) then {
{_arti_cond_weapon = _arti_cond_weapon + " || player hasWeapon " + str _x} foreach _arti_cond_weapons;
} else{_arti_cond_weapon = "true"};

bon_arti_condition = _arti_cond_weapon + " && " + _arti_cond_other;

[color="#FF0000"]arti_dlgUpdate = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers (BON_ARTI_PATH+"bon_arti_func_dlgUpdate.sqf"));
arti_func_keyspressed = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers (BON_ARTI_PATH+"bon_arti_func_keyspressed.sqf"));
arti_func_getSplashPos = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers (BON_ARTI_PATH+"bon_arti_func_getSplashPos.sqf"));
sleep 0.1;

if(local player && call compile _arti_cond_side && call compile _arti_cond_class) then {
if(HW_arti_show_pos_on_map) then{
	(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","_this call arti_func_keyspressed"];
player addAction ["<t color='#FFCC00'>Call Artillery</t>",(BON_ARTI_PATH+"dialog\openMenu.sqf"),["Arti_dlg"],-1,false,true,"",bon_arti_condition];
player addEventHandler ["Killed",{
	[] spawn {
		player removeAction bon_arti_action;
		WaitUntil{alive player};
		bon_arti_action = player addAction ["<t color='#FFCC00'>Call Artillery</t>",(BON_ARTI_PATH+"dialog\openMenu.sqf"),["Arti_dlg"],-1,false,true,"",bon_arti_condition];[/color]

if(isNil "bon_arti_registration_message") then{bon_arti_registration_message = ["your mom",playerSide]};
"bon_arti_registration_message" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
_name = (_this select 1) select 0;
_side = (_this select 1) select 1;
//[_side,"HQ"] sideChat format["%1 registered for Fire Mission.",_name];
[PlayerSide,"HQ"] sideChat format["%1 registered for Fire Mission.",_name];

if(true) exitWith{};

i really happy if you Guys can help and thx in advance


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Its because it uses the setVehicleInit and processInitCommands commands..I have no idea how to fix it though, sorry.

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hi , yeah its exaclty and now im stuck with my own mission cannot use any vehicle cause need to buy them , and i dont know how to write the command line , i have see on wiki some example but actualy all test i have done didnt fixed it

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tvm jasin but you read my 1st post ? "Iam not really good with scripting..." i know both Posts but I can not realize. so I asked for help


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