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Hackers Messing Up Servers! How To Stop This?

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Hello all. I am having a major problem with playing servers (including my own). Over the past few months, I have been hosting and joining BattleEye servers. One time there was a hacker that joined my server, and trashed it up by freezing a lot of players and ruining the whole server. I had BattleEye enabled, but these days hackers are getting through. Is there Anyway to stop hackers hacking once and for all?

I also found out where their hacking programs are coming from which is this link: REDACTED

If theres some kind of anti-hacker program that will unfreeze, and kick hackers, it would be great. :239: :jail:


Edited by Franze
No linking to hacking websites

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Ranwer this has been and still will be a problem, not just to your server, but to all servers

you have not indicated what version of arma your running

Arma 2 battleye stopped updating a long time ago, reason arma 2 needs an update, is that going to happen ?, i dont think it will, you will probably see Nelly the elephant jumping over the moon than bis updating arma 2, get the feeling they cannot be bothered at all with arma 2 users but they still keep pumping it out on a free version

Oa battleye are actively keeping this updated, and doing a good job, but please dont just rely on battleye to protect your servers, as with all anticheat detection they will find ways around this

if you are running an arma 2 / oa server, it may help if you ran a packet sniffer on your server along with bec and battleye, not saying that this will stop them 100% but it will help, troll the forums there are plenty of posts there to help protect your server a lot better

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Ranwer this has been and still will be a problem, not just to your server, but to all servers

you have not indicated what version of arma your running

Arma 2 battleye stopped updating a long time ago, reason arma 2 needs an update, is that going to happen ?, i dont think it will, you will probably see Nelly the elephant jumping over the moon than bis updating arma 2, get the feeling they cannot be bothered at all with arma 2 users but they still keep pumping it out on a free version

Oa battleye are actively keeping this updated, and doing a good job, but please dont just rely on battleye to protect your servers, as with all anticheat detection they will find ways around this

if you are running an arma 2 / oa server, it may help if you ran a packet sniffer on your server along with bec and battleye, not saying that this will stop them 100% but it will help, troll the forums there are plenty of posts there to help protect your server a lot better

Ok, thank you for your helpful information bro. I guess the only way to stop hackers is just banning them (yet I can't believe that there are hackers in ArmA III already).

Anyway, thank you so much for the helpful information. :)



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