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Tjp_mh60g_snow nowhere to be seen!

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Hey folks,

I am looking for TJP_MH60G_SNOW addon and obviously, I can't find it. It is needed to play "Cold Mercury". Most site feature the MH-60L as well as the MH-47 but not the MH-60G_SNOW

Would someone be good enough to e-mail it to me at


Thanks to all of you


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thats the second addon u can't find, u ain't havin much luck with this addon searching malarky biggrin.gif

seriously tho mission readmes should say which addons are needed and give direct links to them coz its annoying when u get a mission and u can't play it. Or if its a small addon they could always include it in the mission .zip file

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Peeps you are so right on this, jesus. Please people if you are mission creators couldn't you include the addons with the mission you are distributing? Or at least write a readme file with the proper name of the Addon creator and the proper addon name. So many creators of good missions go by two or more names that it gets completely confusing after a time looking for the proper addon from the correct creator.

You people go all the way to crteate fab missions and then you slack off at the end leaving the players to look for stupid addons that you could have included from the start with the mission, c'mon!

How you package it is just as important as what is in the package. Enough said.


So now is it SVD or Dragunovska.....

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PitViper you are the man!

Thank you.

If there's anything i can do?

Thx again


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