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Suggestion for Future Content - The A-10D Superhog

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Flight Characteristics - Same as A-10C

Cockpit - Same as A-10C

Differences from A-10C - Has Anti-Radiation Pod, HMCS

Armament -

Pylon 1 - Aim-9X *2 - Allows to be fired accurately off-boresight (For use with HMCS) Would prove useful for taking out helicopters and could also be used against slower planes IWCS (In worst case scenario)

Pylon 2 - GBU-12 - Precision laser guided bomb, for taking out moving armor or artillery that is not a threat to air units (since it requires you flying directly over it)

Pylon 3 - AGM-65H*3 - Short range missiles, for taking out armor or artillery that can be a threat to air units, these can be used against stationary targets at longer ranges than AGM-65D.

Pylon 4 - CBU-105 - Wind corrected cluster bomb

Pylon 5 & 7 - Mk-82 *3 - Dumb Bombs

Pylon 6 - SEAD Pod

Pylon 8 - CBU-105

Pylon 9 - AGM-65D *3

Pylon 10 - Targeting Pod

Pylon 11 - GBU-12

Gun - 1350 rounds of 30mm Combat Mix

A pair of AGM-88 HARMS can be placed either on station 5 & 7 or 4 & 8

This will allow the A-10 to support ground troups as it does in real life but also be able to assist other air units by having SEAD capabilities, since the foe is technologically advanced they will have medium-long range radar SAMs (Im assuming the mechanic for players to control will be either like the artillery computer or optically-hit-a-key-and-get-lock) and ground troops will not have to go miles out of their way to kill of SAMs.

Will work great on Limnos

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