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is TKOH flight model in the current Arma3 alpha build 54

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im finding that the helicopters in alpha build 54 fly way, way to fast...

i go from 0 to 200 kph in 10 seconds or less lol

anyone know if the Take on Helicopters flight model in this build, or if there was any word of when it will be implemented?

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Nope, you will fly your little bird like a jet in Arma 2 when TKOH flight model is implemented. There will different torque and various physical damage to your little bird if you bank too hard etc.

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or if there was any word of when it will be implemented?

I don't believe anything is certain on that. I wouldn't expect it in the alpha builds.

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The general stance from BI is that beta is when more of the focus moves to vehicles; with the "infantry focus" of alpha (though Jay Crowe's sig implies it of the game as a whole and not just the alpha :P) it seems that the current flight model is basically a placeholder, albeit one which BI can use for player feedback, and there is no guarantee or ETA as to when the TKOH flight model would be implemented except before the final release; DnA already said that there's the possibility that BI's own stock helicopters may not use it though.

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