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What Am I Doing Wrong?

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i really want to like this game. I like the way it takes a serious aproach to war, i like commanding the team, i like the open world feel, the realistic setting etc.


I dont have any fun playing the game right now. The first mission (Harvest Red) was fun. Enemies where easy to spot, everything was at a small scale, and freeing civilians and finding out about the mass grave was a real experience. Then, the air-strike laser to hit targets in prigorodki were fun, too (very easy, of course).

But now im at the mission where you have to siege Cherno. And after about 20! tries, ive always died without even seeing a single opponent (well, i killed one so far). I usually take about 10 minutes from the base to the sniper im suppose to kill in the side-mission, looking closely at everything around me, staying in cover, and crawling from place to place if necessary, so the usual advice "you are playing it like CoD" doesnt work on me. Im always scanning the field ahead of me by right clicking, or even with the binoculars. But I NEVER see anyone. And then i randomly die because i get shot. When i realize im under fire, i look everywhere!, and i cant see anyone.

Another problem: I cant tell wether the person in front of me is an enemy or a fellow american. I dont know much about military, so i cant tell it by the names (f.e. Tanks, never know if hes hostile or friendly).

Then, im always confused. HQ says something about tanks coming to support us, but i dont see any, i hardly ever get whats going on around me, and feel like im completely left alone. My teammates suck, they cant even take cover properly, therefore die even more than i do, failing my mission.

All in all, its a very interesting, but waaay too frustrating experience. I did all the tutorials, palyed DayZ for a year now, so im used to the mechanics, I know the controls, and the weapons.

I dont know what to do know. Its a dilemma. I like the games style, but hate how it plays out for me. What can i do to improve, any tips that im not folllowing?

Thank you

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This mission is the weakest in entire campaign, it's completely chaotic, and can be quite frustrating in fact.

Keep your team close, they're good shots and never missID.

When in doubt or out of range use team switch to take control of your sniper.

It might be good idea to join other Marine squad for a while, so Chedaki will bleed out a bit, before you go into town.

You can always tone down difficulty level.

Also I always recommend playing SP with AI improving mods like ASR_AI and tpwcas

Friendly-Foe identyfication isn't hard, remember all regular Marines wear same uniforms and carry black guns, and that will do for now.

If you can't tell, firendly or foe, provoke them, move from behind corner, fire few potshots to draw attention, and go back. If hostile they'll fire back. Risky but 100% effective.

It could be usefull to memorize how some basic weapons sound. M16, M240 = friendles, AK, PKM = hostiles. This way you'll know which areas are relatively safe.

When you hear bullet hit, step into cover, even if you don't know where it's comming from.

Edited by boota

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This specific mission was a disaster for me my first few tries.

My tips!

-Keep your squad members close, the basically never miss and take some of the heat off of you.

-Use cover, its there for a reason.

-Patience, this game is not a run and gun shooter. Take your time, and sit in one place and recon for a few minutes if you have to.

On another note, I wouldent really spend to much time on the SP missions within ArmA 2 Vanilla. They are nothing compared to the fun you can have in a unit or on a MP server.

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