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Playing an animation, and having it stay that way. IE hands on head.

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I'm having issues with making player characters keep their hands on their heads, when the player is armed.

playmove or switchmove don't work, as playmove doesn't play anything, nor does playmovenow. The animations I'm trying are: "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon", "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon"

switchmove just makes the hands go to the sides, twitch up, then back down, then the player takes his rifle out again.

There's also occasions where, with these animations, that they'll cause the player to fly across the map and die, upon their calling....


tl;dr: How does one make an armed player put their hands up, and keep them there?

Thank you.

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same here, sliding across the map with surrender animation. If you want animation to stop and wait I guess you need to mess with config classes. I don't know much about it though.

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Also having the issue with hands up animation causing the unit to slide across the map, and die. It worked fine with switchmove in A2, so a bug?

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If you remove the weapons they keep hands in the air, at least in OA

removeAllWeapons unit;

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  F2k Sel said:
If you remove the weapons they keep hands in the air, at least in OA

removeAllWeapons unit;

I'm aware of this, and it's very undesireable. Though, I suppose for now, I'll have to do some kind of funky work around, where I remove all weapons (Primary, secondary, pistol), play animation, wait till it's been interupted / stopped. Give player weapons back.... blah.

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The you will need to freeze the animation at some point

man action ["surrender",man] ;

sleep 1;

man disableAI "anim";

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  F2k Sel said:
The you will need to freeze the animation at some point

man action ["surrender",man] ;

sleep 1;

man disableAI "anim";

On players, the only way to essentially pause an animation, would be to _pobj enablesimulation false; But that causes other issues too...

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Easiest way I've found is to just give them a waypoint to where you want them to be, then use in the waypoint's OnAct:

this disableAI "ANIM"; removeAllWeapons this; this switchMove "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon"; (or whatever move you want them to do)

If you want to get specific, you can use the above and assign them a position with:

this setPos (getPos chair14); Or whatever object you want them to end up on.

or a specific building postion:

playername setPos (((getpos this) nearestObject 44095) buildingPos 14); That example is the top of the arifield control tower I believe. Or use "this" instead of "playername" if used in the players init (without quotations).

To end the animation and get them into combat, I usually make a trigger with a knowsabout condition (but you can trigger it however you like) and in the OnAct of the trigger you need to use:

playername enableAI "ANIM"; playername switchMove "";

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Yea I forgot it was for the player and not AI.

while {alive player} do { player action ["surrender",player];

sleep 0.001;

waituntil {animationState player !="amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon_amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon"};


That will work in SP, you will need a way to exit the loop

Edited by F2k Sel

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