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Debriefing and Closing shot help

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Hi all,

I am having trouble displaying a closing shot and debriefing screen and was wondering if anyone could help

here is the code i am using in the description.ext (below)

class CfgDebriefing
class Test
	title = "Mission Completed";
	subtitle = "Well done";
	description = "You successfully completed your mission, return to base.";
	backgroundPicture = "";
	picture = "b_inf";
	pictureColor[] = {0.0,0.3,0.6,1};

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I took a look there, but it doesn't seem to include any info about the images (at least not yet).

I've also tried, and I can't seem to get a "backgroundPicutre" to show up when using this debriefing method. So far I've tried a 2:1 jpg, and a paa.

The "picture" image worked for me (I just used the same one I used in the squad.xml), but so far I haven't gotten backgroundPicuture to show up in any way. Have been wondering if anyone else got this working.

(I'm using stable, non-dev alpha)

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Hmm... getting closer? Here's what I've got now;

look kids, a hyperlink

I finally got the "backgroundPicture" to show up, by deleting that line from the description.ext file. So it defaulted to my loadscreen image (1024x512 jpg), which is the same image I refer to in my overview.html (but there I specify width="512" height="256").

So I have this in description.ext

onLoadName="Defending Camp Tempest";
loadScreen = "TOC3.jpg";
onLoadMission="The Order of Chaos - #3";

and this:

class CfgDebriefing
class End1
	title = "Mission Completed";
	subtitle = "";
	description = "You successfully defended Camp Tempest.";
	picture = "TocLogo1.paa";
	pictureColor[] = {0.0,0.3,0.6,1};

and I have a 'type none' trigger that calls for

"END1" call BIS_fnc_endMission;

on activation.

Sorry if that's TooMuchInfo, just trying to be helpful to anyone like myself. Took me awhile to get this far.

But I'm wondering if that score info is supposed to be view-able behind my debriefing stuff (as you can see in my linked image). Seems to kinda clutter things up.

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