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Upping the scale of a unit, Is it possible?

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I was masking a rather silly mission where you play as random units. (Including one of mc'ruperts storm troopers.)

More to the point, Is it possible to scale this storm trooper up to two times it's normal size via Init script or Trigger?

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No, there is none. Size is controlled by the RTMs (animation files) only - and you'd need to rescale all rtms to achieve this effect - quite an endeavor and not possible with the arma2 animations as they're binarized.

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No, there is none. Size is controlled by the RTMs (animation files) only - and you'd need to rescale all rtms to achieve this effect - quite an endeavor and not possible with the arma2 animations as they're binarized.

So there is no way to scale an object....even if I don't need it to animate?

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