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[MP] Fussion Wasteland with territory capturing and more

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Based off of GOT'S wasteland based off of 404's Based off Samantra's Based off of Tonics (that was a mouth full lol)

Custom Wasteland mission with territory capture and treasure hunt and more!

VISIT US: http://www.wasteland.fussion-networks.com/

all credits go to their respective creators

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-removed teargas and intro as it was causing lag

-tweaked many scripts within the files to fix issues with car respawns despawns populating weapons etc.

-Stabalized Build significantly

-Added The C1aws Favela

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- removed mission end time untill i can get a better solution

- Drop money values go from 50$ - 50k

- added money bag to r3f so you can place them inside vehicles

- Removed NV's from spawning in vehicles

- tweaked spawning system a bit more

- Tightend the Cap points even more

- Moved Gun stores to help with camping issues

- North and south Agia Cap zones to increase tension around the area

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- Complete revamp of spawning system away from capping zones

- New vehicle respawning system to help reduce dead cars on server

- Tweaked Some code here and there to improve Stability

- Tightend the Cap points

- Southern Cap zone for agios town split into 3 cap zones

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-reduced size of radar on stores

-added count down timer for mission restart after 8 hours

-moved main gun store near AF into big building he was beside

-added smoke grenade/Tear gas to gun store

-added tear gas (thanks to ArmaIdiot's script) Changed to use event handler

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-added fob display for who owns it in top right of map

-added some towers around the map in key locations

-added tunnels to the airport

-added GOT new mission updates

-Small Tweaks here and there

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-Changed some class names for the bags in the store

-Changed Prices of key items in the Store

-Added boat repair area

-Changed R3f Boats can now be lifted with choppers and towed

-small rescue boat's can be loaded into vehicles

-Mortar can be loaded into vehicle for easy transport

-Assault boat can be loaded with gear now

-KA 60 un armed made into heavy transport with loadin functions now has 45 space

-fixed minor things here and there

-Secret fob's capturable now (they will not show on map like others but there will global msg that it has been taken and you will get money)

-added Refuel boats

-Updated Briefing

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UPDATE8.4 - TheC1aw's Update

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-TheC1aw from the midnight Crew has addded Bags to the gun shops!

-Tweaked Starting vest to one with 180 slots (Thanks for TheC1aw for the idea!)

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UPDATE8.2 - 8.3

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-More optimization to help stabalize the server

-new capture points added

-new medical supply building added down south

- Gun Runner added down south

-Refuel Helicopters Added they have a 50% chance of spawning each mission start for a dynamic feel

-AF now capturable 2 part North and South both are worth twice as much as normal areas

-Civilian Garage added to gas station Vehicles without mounted weapons can access this

-Garages in Civilian Cities will repair refuel now (enter garage with vehicle to trigger)

-removed needless walls and Lamp posts from r3f

-Towable helicopters (not sure how this will work)

-removal of starting backpacks get them in the shop (this helps reduce server load)

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-Optimization of the mission file.

-removal of AI from drug and gun runnner bases going to add this to a mission in a later patch

-added runner and smuggler bases as capturable

-Fixed Grouping error in independant

-removal of EMP fields due to server load issues

-Fixed Capture Money script HUGE THANKS TO thec1aw from midnight crew & Giallustio from the Bi forums

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- fuel trucks added (be inside a vehicle approach the fuel truck and use scroll to select refuel option) the fuel trucks will only work 10 times then are useless so use them wisely

- mhq spawn items changed to cube h barriers to avoid destruction

- Emp fields added to the map it will down your choppers if you are not aware

- Helicopters can take 10 doses of EMP before being disabled this does not degernerate (thanks to Taijan for the script)

- hmg at AI bases changed to GMG with nearly no ammo (must get to garage to get ammo)

- New captureable point with a second Repair/rearm/refuel point Palmbeatz impoundlot

- MHQ Icon will follow it same with fuel truck

- still having issue with localalized money when capturing points if anyone has any ideas please let me know

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- new Island FOB added

- added houses and ramps from the water to the island FOB's.

- added Genereal store to the map at 2 locations

- attempted to fix money issue with capturing

- 3rd MHQ added

- maybe 1 or 2 more things i dont really remember

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- 3rd & 4th treasure hunt added leads to a secret FOB islands.

- Capture territory should give you money now.

- jumps added to airfield far run way

- Sound effect notifiction for when in healing area of medical supply buildings

- 2 mobile spawns added use the long H barrier located beside them to spawn to it ( bring it with you and place it in key locations) they are located in the open hangars at both ends of the airfield

- Churchs will heal now like the medical supply buildings

- MHQ's have a black retexture

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UPDATE1.0 - 5.0

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-2 secret treasure hunts that lead you on journeys across the land in a search for key assets to help your team ( look in buildings for clues)

-Territory capturing , there are yellow areas around the map over towns etc capture them and claim them for your team ( stay on the area for 5 minutes to capture it)

-2 new AI bases Drug smugglers and Gun runners , they have good assets and each have a custom skinned HMG hunter (be prepared for a good fight this AI use UPS)

-2 medical supply buildings where if you stay inside the building for 30 seconds you will be fully healed (30 seconds is enough to breach the glass front and kill anyone inside to avoid abuse)

-Houses and different buildings added around the map to give variance.

-Manual Dead object clean up script in case you do not want to wait for the auto script access with 0 - 0 - 1.

-NV's added by default incase of alpha Lighting bug (flicker them on and off to remove the blue/white light bug when alt tabbing somtimes).

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a huge thank you goes to 404 & GOT for their versions of wasteland without them i would not have been able to make this variation of wasteland.

For most current updates feel free to check : http://www.wasteland.fussion-networks.com/

Or check Github : https://github.com/Fackstah/FussionWasteland_Nearfinal

we have a test server running the most current version of the mission feel free to join us

filter host name fussion wasteland

UPDATED LINK TO 9.5 Pre Exploit DEV update

Edited by fackstah
update 9.5

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Installed and enjoyed this version of wasteland.. maybe a few to many jumps.. lol.. but thats a personal preference.. please continue..

Wasteland is a blast, yet at times waiting on the next mission can get a bit slow..

Having the drug dealers etc instead of "zombies" makes it a bit more interesting.

Thanks for the work.. look forward to v9.0..

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we have a test server running the most current version of the mission feel free to join us

filter host name fussion wasteland

How rude to send me email saying I "edited" your name out of the version I was running? And then to remove the files online like you have some gold going here..

The biggest problem with arma is the attitude in these forums when someone first OFFERS work they just re-wrote anyways from a previous scenario

And then suggest to another user they are "stealing" their work... You don't have to worry about me using this Fussion stuff...

it was the laggest of the lot anyways and I was just hopin you got a bit better...

Why would anyone want to run and host this map if it says it is hosted by someone else? The only edit Fubyz Edit had was to reflect who was running it and who was hosting it..

If you READ the MAP info all credits remained... don't be anal while you "offer" expanded work of others...

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hey fackstah, i still remember you from my dekaron-server-hosting days, good to also run into you here :)

nice ideas youve added :)

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hey fackstah, i still remember you from my dekaron-server-hosting days, good to also run into you here :)

nice ideas youve added :)

holy crap not often i run into somebody from back then haha , wouldn't of been possible without your GOT version !


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Is there a .pbo file for this version? My friends and I would love to host some servers if that's alright!

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I know Fackstah said on his site he is no longer supporting it, but one of the things I loved about it was the territory capture and vehicle repair stations.

Looks like KOS is got the thing still running

Edited by DrMayhemMD

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