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Starting off with ArmA2

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I was thinking of buying ArmA X on Steam which gets me the complete ArmA + ArmA2 package.

Basically I've already got the ArmA3 Alpha but want some historical perspective on the series.

If I do get it then what is there you should know about the game really?

I’m guessing this game still very much has an active player base since ArmA3 is only in alpha.

I’m also guessing I better play the games vanilla for a while for starters but then I’d like to know which some of the most essential mods are.

I’ve heard a lot about ACE or something such and everyone uses it but haven’t heard just what it is yet.

Naturally different people like different mods too. I like realism and especially advanced movement, inventory management and have heard about ammo repackaging which seems like neat maintenance and I’m more interested in those kinds of engine-related mods rather than pure content packs like new units, vehicles and weapons at least until I’ve grown tired of the ones that are already in by default.

Some sort of map containing a starting zone with all equipment, weapons and vehicles that is randomly populated with enemies to fight would also be nice to try out all the weapons et cetera in though I already know there’s that armory mode with occasional quests popping up every now and then.

Anyways like how does this game work for multiplayer? Does simply joining servers blindly work ok or do you really have to get a squad and such to get people to play with?


Oh and yeah: I'm basically wondering the same things about ArmA1. Is it still alive? Any especially interesting mods?

All ArmA I've played was really long ago if I'm even remembering the right game and all ArmA2 I've played was the demo or whatever it was again.

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Hello, well ArmA2 is a great agem, all I know is that the multiplayer was only fun if you had friends, or a group to play with because alot of people cam from different enviroments of gaming and dont enjoy slow pace gaming, and patients, of course if you like that then you should join a group.

ACE (Advanced Combat Enviroment) is a great mod that enhances the sounding of the guns, vehicles, etc. ACRE (Advanced Combat Radio Enviroment) Is mostly used for Groups for communication where you can switch channels to different squads (like a real radio) so you dont have to bug alot of people. Honestly I think you should try vanill first like you said, and have fun, then try out a group with the mods and see how you like it.

Of course there are tons of other cool mods but ACE and ACRE both have a very large fan based community, and they have done great work to improve the gaming experience.

ArmA2 still has a medium sized player amount, but a few people have been getting banned because of DayZ, which I prefer to stick with friends playing alone while playing missions. DayZ will most likely get you banned from ArmA2 soon, but its a great Mod, just needs a bit more protection from hacking.

ArmA (1) to me I believe very little people play it or even have servers on it because were getting into the 3rd generation of ArmA whcih ahs been over some 10-13 years now to my knowledge.

But if your looking for a group to try out in ArmA3, the 24thMEU, detachment of the 101stIB are always looking for new recruits.

We offer training every friday from my knowledge of what 1stLT.Zero has told me (Head Training Operator & Corps Section) and we will hopefully start doing large scale missions on Saturdays, and we are based in the US EST.

If you want to know more feel free to ask me in a PM, and I will respond very shortly to it.

~Cpt.Hanover of the 24thMEU~

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DayZ will most likely get you banned from ArmA2 soon, but its a great Mod, just needs a bit more protection from hacking.

What do you mean by this? :S Do I have to be concerned to get banned when playing DayZ?

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