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I can't play resistance without it crashing...

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I just got resistance a few days ago and it is great but I can't play it.  I'll starting playing and in about 5 minutes or so the game will either freeze up and I'll have to reboot or it will start making a weird scratching noise and then crash back to the desktop.  I've looked over at the avon lady site and it said to update my drivers and I did that for my graphics card and my controller but it still the same thing.  I close all unneccesary programs running and disable my anti-virus before I play but it doesn't help.  I have press the auto-detect button for my prefences but that doesn't help either.  My system specs are 1.1 ghz amd athlon, 64 MB geforce 2 ultra (maybe the problem??), 384 mb of RAM, and an Ultra ATA 100 controller and windows ME.  Has anyone else had this problem or can anyone help me out?  sad.gif

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Hmm...does it start the campaign, then right after you leave the city in the first mission when the russians start the attack, it just crashes. Or crashes when you try to play with the editor?

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ahh the famous pins da smoka, im a fan man, i visit ofpec.com all the time.  anyways, no not that mission.  somehow i managed to get to the mission where you take the tanks you just stole and attack the northren most soviet base, the 5th mission or something.  it did freeze in the missions before but now it is crashing too. it crashes on sp missions also. i dont know whats going on.  hopefully i can get some info from this post and im going to check out some other post in the forum too.

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I had the same problem.  Resistance used to lock up on me after about 5-10 minutes every time.  It never failed, it was driving me crazy.  I never had time to finish any of the missions before it would lock up. I tried everything, updated all my drivers (detonators, & 4 in 1), I messed around with my BIOS settings but nothing seemed to help.

I finally figured out that there was a weird conflict with my SB Audigy sound card.  I plucked the card out, cleared out all that crappy Creative software that came with the card, then re-installed the sound card again with only the most basic drivers.

The lockups went away.  I still get an ocasional CTD but nothing that bothers me too much.  

My specs are:  1.33GHz AMD Athlon, Mobo: FIC AD-11, 521MB PC2100 DDR RAM, HD: 40GB Maxtor 7200, GeForce 4 Ti 4200 128MB, SB Audigy - Gamer, Windows XP - Home Edition.

Good luck.

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The trouble with Creative sound cards,(and ATi Graphics) is even if you uninstall the whole shebang you'll have a registry stuffed full of crap. as its the registry that often causes this its a pain...

The only thing you can do is reformatt your harddrive and start again. which might help you LazarusLong

Have you tried the new drivers for win2000 and XP?.(I see win98 has been neglected Again!!), theres the ones just out e few days ago and some were released a month or so ago too...

I had the same trouble with w98(CTD's & HL's) and fixed it by reformatting and reinstalling w98 without ACPI. I would'nt suggest this for XP unless you have a VIA AGP controller and Soundblastard, or untill you've read up a good bit about it on the web!...

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I have Sound Blaster Live, which I think is from Creative but I'm not sure. A sound card problem does make sense because right before my game crashes it makes weird scraching noises. But when it freezes it just freezes out of nowwhere, there isn't any sound problems and it isn't studdering or anything beforehand. Would reinstalling my sound card make the game work? And if it would how do you go about doing that?

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I did'nt have any problems with sound. and yes thats a creative card...

I think its more how the ACPI BIOS decides which card uses the PCI/AGP bus when and how. or rather the way it doesn't wink.gif ...

It still seems only to be OFP & Resistance that it affects though sad.gif .

the only thing I can suggest is updating every driver. AGP~chipset, soundcard,Graphics,directX8.1b,BIOS. if non of that works reformat, reinstall without ACPI support. If you search the web for 'disableing ACPI for Windows####' you'll find what you need.

if you need I can find a site with a walk through on how to reformatt and reinstall winME from scratch..., let me know. PM me...

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I have exactly the same problem: OFP:R hangs my whole machine after about 10 or 15 minutes of playing... Today it happened 3 times during a mission while I was about ready to leave just after I stuffed my truck with guns and ammo. I can assure you, it pisses me of.

Before starting to play OFP:R I downloaded the newest Live drivers now available on the website of creative and after that I bought OFP:R and turned on EAX.

I'm going to try now with EAX off.

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Tell me if turning EAX works for you, I have it off and it still freezes. I'm going to try updating my BIOS now, I'll tell you if it works.

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Ok, my BIOS was already up to date I guess, so that wasn't the problem. Will it help if I change some BIOS settings, I heard that that might work.

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I have this problem too... I get to where Troska has to choose between the commies and the good buys, run for the shotgun, fire some rounds, and BOOM! Hello desktop!

I tried updating my BIOS, same thing

My current specs:

Pentium 4 1.9 Ghz

384 MB-RAM

GeForce3 Ti200 128 MB-RAM


I really wanna play , and it'd be sad if I had to demand a refund

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Okay, I tried installing this one my brothers comp... Worked fine there

I'll try to format and see if that helps

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for the guys with the soundblaster live ! card i've got 2 links smile.gif

- if u know german visit this page

- patch for soundblaster live (in german too but easy to understand)

hope this might help smile.gif



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My game is working now! biggrin.gif

I reinstalled it and now it is working fine. I've played it for about 3 hours now and no freezes or crashes. Hopefully it stays that way.

I suggest that everyone who was having the problems I was to uninstall then reinstall their game before doing anything else, it will save them a lot of trouble.

My only problem now is trying to beat the damned hard Resistance campaign smile.gif

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