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Need large scale JDAM or placeable charge for compound demolition.

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I want to have a mission in which the players discover a massive collection of arms and illicit trade items in a compound. However, I'm having difficulty finding an efficient way to destroy the compound. The compound is approximately 50m x 70m, and completely saturated with contraband. I've tried using some JDAM strikes, I've tried some Satchel charges, but nothing has a large enough effect on destructable objects. they are great for taking out a small circle, but for a large compound that needs to be saturated, it's extremely inconsistent. I'm wondering if there's a way to script a JDAM strike that drops a very large bomb that would saturate the entire compound and destroy everything inside? Or perhaps a way to plant a few charges (rather than a dozen or so) that have a much larger effect on the area? I tried using a script that allows guided JDAMs and other payloads to be dropped but even the airburst stuff wasn't very effective given that it was Antipersonnel.

Basically, something like this that I could call in where the player targets either on a map or with a laser designator or something (I'd like it to be player guided so I can re-use this).

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This is what I used to create a nuke damage blast radius, when you positively have to destroy every building in the radius, accept no substitute.

{_x setdamage 1;  } foreach nearestObjects [Position, ["ANY"],radius];

Edited by kentrel

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Kentrel - Is this going into gamelogic or where? I keep gettinga syntax error of some kind when I try and use it in the init of a gamelogic unit. Using it in Arma3, however.

{_x setdamage 1; } foreach nearestObjects [0,0,0, ["ANY"],25];

What's wrong?

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Position 0,0,0 is on the edge of the map. If you're using it in a gamelogic try this as position:

(getpos this)

Instead of 0,0,0. Also, what kind of syntax error do you get?

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Kentrel - Is this going into gamelogic or where? I keep gettinga syntax error of some kind when I try and use it in the init of a gamelogic unit. Using it in Arma3, however.

{_x setdamage 1; } foreach nearestObjects [0,0,0, ["ANY"],25];

What's wrong?

in order to make it destroy ANYTHING within the range, use this:

{_x setdamage 1; } foreach nearestObjects [0,0,0, [],25];

nearestObject uses classnames to get the type, so he could not find the classname "ANY". if you leave it enpty, it does not have a filter and so it will get anything.

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