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Need help creating textures

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Hey guys im currently working on making a bolt action sniper (M40OA3) ive made my standard textures, (standard colours map & the normals bump mapping) but how do i create the pink map (the one that shows reflectiveness - for my chrome barrel) and the heat map (the red one that shows its heat signature via thermal)

Ive tried to do it manualy by changing the colours of the original texture but it doesnt look good... :/

Any help guys would be massively appriciated, thanks

NOTE: im using photoshop cs6

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It's not important what version of photoshop you are using.

There is no any reason to draw red/pink/orange BIS specular (smdi) map by hands. When you convert your regular spec map to *.paa it will be looking red.

Note. Yes, you can do it by hands. But here you need a knowledge with what channels and how it works. As for me - BIS Tools all you need.

Here you can find explanations about TI map from Vespa - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148130-Arma3-Characters-Modding-Tutorial/page10

Edited by ArtTem

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