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Enemy AI not reacting

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Im finishing up a mission and now testing the AI response and it seems most of them do not react to me, only the soldiers on a Guard waypoint shoot(sometimes they do nothing also). Im not sure if I missd something or if its just a bug in the game. I have a trigger set up to sound an Alarm when I am detected by opfor to see if they are actually aware of my presence and that works just fine so im not sure what the problem is. Any help or info would be appreciated thanks for lookin.

Edit: Ive tried setting some to Open fire, engage at will on some of the patrols and still nothing

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In order to react best possible, AI should have waypoints similar to this:

- Waypoint: Guards, Hold, Seek&Destroy, Move etc

- "Open FireEngage At Will"

- "Full" Speed

- "Combat / Aware" behaviour

Also you can add "this allowFleeing 0" in their init line. (Actually, such behaviour should be by default and change them to "passive" with waypoints, not the other way.)

This combinations makes them as agressive is possible, if you dont put waypoints, sometimes they dont react at all. However there are still bugs / WIP things in Alpha version so anything is still possible.

For me the most annoying is when they pass the corner where they know I was hidding and they get past to me, so I can easily shoot them in the back. They have no intention to check after the corner.

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Sounds like you set the AI to ' Safe'

In that mode they never change.

Use 'Casual' instead

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if you dont put waypoints, sometimes they dont react at all.

yep, I noticed this. if you put a group just standing, with no waypoints, and start shooting at them, they'll usually only go prone, but won't actually move or seek cover. when you shoot at players that do have waypoints on the other hand, they seek cover, and usually go far out of their way to try to flank you

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The most simple and efficient missions you can do, are like this:

- put players / playable

- put a single group of enemies, made of 4-5-6 enemies, tune up their skills / type.

- put their leader in a range of presence of 100-200m.

- put a Guard waypoint as described above over the leader (open fire engage at will, full speed, aware or combat).

- copy / paste this structure 4-5 times around a city an start capture that area.

This mission will be pretty much different every time you play as the enemiy groups appear in different locations. You can also set some patrol around the area to notice the players presence and alert guard grups, but not necessary.

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Thanks for all the info but I think I might have figured it out, I had the maximum of 144 groups for opfor or close to it and apparently this is too much for Arma to handle at once (or my PC, tho i dont think so) So I used a Caching script(murk spawn)and it seems to work in editor preview , the patrols now fire whenever they see me but for some reason its not working in multiplayer.

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