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Inventory should show how many items of a kind at all

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Next to the item amount number in the inventory there should be the total amount of this item in brackets next to it (the sum of all your containers).

Hmmm, or maybe not... RL browsing in your vest for grenades does not reveal the amount of these grenades in your backpack... But on the other hand the other HUD elements reveal you anyway how much you have in total (magazine HUD shows total amount of magazines and grenades, action menu shows for explosives).

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Except you know how many mags, grenades etc. you put in there, and from looking at the pouches, the magazine capacity of which you're familiar, you can use simple maths to add together how many you have. And it does say how many mags you have in the inventory.

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  scrim said:
And it does say how many mags you have in the inventory.

For example by clicking on the vest slot you do NOT see the amount of the same items in the backpack (regardless whether it's realistic or not, you do NOT see the total amount).

But as I stated in my initial post, this might be ok. Instead of showing the amount right to the item, it would be even more realistic when each item would be displayed separately (as a single item) without the amount next to it. When you browse your backpack in RL you also don't see a single item with a total-amount-value next to it. So the current inventory amount display is somewhere inbetween totally realistic and totally unrealistic.

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Ah, you mean when you hover with the cursor above something, I see. Honestly I'm not quite sure about the purpose of that feature.

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