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Alpha testing procedures

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Hi all,

Nice we all have access to this great ALPHA software now :) However what i'm missing is a structured test procedure.

For the moment most stuff i read on the forums and issue tracker are people venting their personal opinions on how certain game features should act in their own personal option\experience. Myexperience is that the added value for such feedback is however limited.

What i think would be way more efficient and productive is that the dev's should open a forum-post for all things thay want to see tested or need any feedback on, and track testing results in the issue tracker and or poll.

This forum post should more or less include the following:

1 - type of test

2 - Item to test

3 - test method

4 - expected result

5 - software version number

(very simple) Example:

Test#: 00001 (also to be mentioned in the issue tracker if ticket was to be opened)

Type of test: try to break game function

Item to test: waypoint activation trigger proximity

Test Method: Try anyway possible to break the waypoint activation trigger

Expected result: Waypoint should be triggered when passed within 10meter

Software version DEV 0.53.xxxx

This way we all can be focusing our knowhow, experience, creativity, time and different hardware/software setups and actually be helpfull in the Alpha testing. And in the meantime i'm sure most of us will have a lot of fun doing these tests :)

To start, it might be a good idea to attach definitive testing procedures to the updates currently released in the DEV version of the software, so we can provide constructive feedback on newly released updates and content.



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While you have a good plan there, I think they are hoping for more random reports of things they haven't thought of. 1000's of people randomly doing their own thing are likely to discover and report issues the dev team never even would have looked for.

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I'm guessing we would find those random things anyway, especially if we get wide-scope testing appointments like: Go and try to break the hunter vehicle or post your most funky screenshot

Then 1000's of peeps will try all possible crazy stuff to break the functionality of this vehicle for a few days, i'm sure such "missions" will turn up bugs you might never find by accident. Or the funky screenshot "mission" might reveal some real crazy stuff that was never intended to be possible.

Anyway i"m good both ways, it's just a suggestion how i would have done it if it was my Alpha, maybe is is planned at a later stage, or not at all, how knows :)

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It tells you right in the Alpha main page when you fire up the game what they want you to look for. They gave us a tracker to report bugs and feature requests. I beleive we are still working on stability issues.

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