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Help with Script working in A2 but ont in A3

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This part of script was working in A2 but it does not seem to work in A3

Any idea why ? (all I changewas "Call re" to "BIS_fnc_MP") But still no Joy

// Now JIP update on marker colors for MP missions.
if (isMultiplayer) then {
	_ALL_towns_markers spawn {
		private ["_col","_ch","_UIDs","_mar","_brush"];

		_ch = {
			private ["_mar"];
			_mar = _this select 0;
			_mar setMarkerColor (_this select 1);
			_mar setMarkerBrush (_this select 2);

		while {true} do {
			_UIDs = [];
			{if (isPlayer _x) then {_UIDs = _UIDs + [(getPlayerUID _x)]}} foreach playableUnits;
			waitUntil {sleep 1; ({!isNull _x AND alive _x AND isPlayer _x AND !((getPlayerUID _x) in _UIDs)} count playableUnits) != 0};
				_mar = _x; _brush = markerBrush _x; _col = getMarkerColor _x;
				{if (!((getPlayerUID _x) in _UIDs)) then {[nil,_x,rSPAWN,[_mar,_col,_brush],_ch] call BIS_fnc_MP}} foreach playableUnits;
			} foreach _this;

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The parms passed to the call are totally different for fnc_MP than they were for RE. Plus im not sure you use the r-commands with MP anymore, seems like you either need to call a BIS_fnc or one of your own.


[nil_or_caller, nil_or_target_object,"loc", script_to_execute, par0, par1...] call RE;


[params, functionName, target, isPersistent] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;


Edited by Larrow

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