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Laser designator in mp

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I haven't seen anyone else reporting this but; the laser designator does not seem to paint a red dot when on a dedicated server.

Although the AI do see it and can target it, it is not visible to the player.

Am I halucinating? I still have to check wether the A10's fire at the laser target or if it's just the M109 ADATS.

If not then it would be nice to get that fixed in a patch... for sure.

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No, I do not see the red dot only in MP.  I see it in single player.  sad.gif

Bullet tracers enabled, actually I have all graphics options enabled.

Thanks for the info, it's still useful.

EDIT: Very useful indeed, the MP server was configured not to show bullet tracers.  THANKS!  Problem solved.  biggrin.gif

Well I think it will be when I enable tracers on server.

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