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help with a respawn script

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I am working a a small deathmatch mission with helicopters, and I would like the players and their helicopters to respawn when there is only one person alive.

I think I know how to do most of the stuff, but how can I bring the dead back to life? regular respawn wont work since I want them to respawn at a specific time, not while still spectating the rest of the players.

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can anyone point me in the right direction? still haven't found anything in my searches =(

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I think I've seen something like this for A2 - wave respawn script or something but I cannot find it. Worked by holding the respawns until a timer expired (ie: every 5 minutes) and respawned any dead players all at once. Not exactly what you are looking for but if you can find it or someone else knows what I am talking about it might help

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something like that could probably work, would just have to replace the timer with another condition.

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thanks savage!

I looked around in different revive scripts but could not figure out how to do it =(

but with the approach from your link I got it kinda working.

//reset script
_westIterator = 0;
_eastIterator = 0;
_markername = "";
switch(true) do
	case(side _x == west):
		_x sideRadio "i made it into the case"; //debug
	[b]	_markername = Format ["bluSpawn_%1", _westIterator];[/b]
		_westIterator = _westIterator + 1;
	case(side _x == east):
		[b]_markername = Format ["eastSpawn_%1", _eastIterator];[/b]
		_eastIterator = _eastIterator + 1;
hint format ["marker: %1",_markername];
sleep 2; //DEBUG
_x setVariable ["dead", false, true];
_x setCaptive false;
_x allowDamage true;
[b]_veh = createVehicle ["B_AH9_F", getMarkerPos _markername, [], 0, "FLY"];[/b]
_veh setDir 45;
_x moveInDriver _veh;
_veh lock true;
} ForEach PlayableUnits;

I have this on raido alpha at the moment. and the first time I press it it works fine. but the 2nd time (after I have died and the script is run from the "killed" event handler) markername is empty, so I get spawned at the edge of the map.

//killed eventhandler
//init vars
_killed = _this select 0;
_killer = _this select 1;

//show kill message
hint format ["%1 has been shot down by %2",_killed,_killer];

//set as dead
_killed setVariable ["dead", true, true]; 

//start spectator script
//des not seem to be any spectator scripts available yet

//check if any side has won
_aliveWest = {side _x == west AND _x getVariable "dead"} count PlayableUnits;
_aliveEast = {side _x == east AND _x getVariable "dead"} count PlayableUnits;

hint format["alive west: %1 alive east: %2",_aliveWest,_aliveEast];

switch(true) do 
case(_aliveWest == 0): //all west are dead
	hint "East win!";
	sleep 10; //respawn is 5
	[b]nul = [] execVM "reset.sqf";[/b]
	case(_aliveEast == 0): //all east are dead
	hint "East win!";
	sleep 10; //respawn is 5
	[b]nul = [] execVM "reset.sqf";[/b]

do anyone see anything bad?

EDIT: I noticed that side apparently sets to "civ" after the 1st respawn. So I had to add a variable tracking the side of the units.

now I have another problem, but I'm gonna search some more before bothering you guys =)

Edited by Taxen0

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