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Inland water? Where is it?

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Sorry if it has been discussed. I checked search function but it only mentioned a couple of ARMA II threads and then sea in ARMA III. Anyway...

I saw some areas of the island that look like river beds with concrete drainage pipes. Would these normally have water in but do not because it is an alpha? Or are they just meant to be dry. I tried putting the weather to maximum rain but they did not fill up with water, does anyone know if something like this is planned. A dynamic map that makes areas much more difficult to cross etc during heavy rain would be pretty epic!

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If you look here : http://www.greecevirtual.gr/en/north-aegean/agiosefstratios, you'll see that in RL those drainage pipes are empty. I'm quite sure they won't be filled according to the weather changes.

Ah, I see. Thank you for link. But to have a storm drain (or storm duct or whatever it is called) that big and wide with bridges means they must get torrential down pours. It would add to realism to have areas become choke points in bad weather conditions so I shall just hope they do add it as a feature. If not I'm sure a modder could easily come up with something.

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I think it is an engine limitation. Seemed like there were areas that were supposed to have rivers on Chernarus but didnt.

At least limited in a sense of having "flowing" water.

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I do hope that the second map that will replace the original one (which was scrapped due to the Greek controversy) has rivers in it. Even if its still that obstacle will make it interesting to have paired with the underwater system and bridges that will make the bridges that go over the river will have a vast amount of strategic value.

Of course one of these could also be nice :P


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I do hope that the second map that will replace the original one...

The main island was "re-named", not "scrapped". So don't get your hopes up.

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