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A few more helicopters!!

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My biggest suggestion at this point would be to add a few more helicopters and a few more missions.

Helicopters- TkOH has three beautifully crafted helicopters. I would absolutely love to see one or two more added to the game, perhaps in a patch or DLC. My suggestions would be two or three more helicopters, popular in the civilian world (or military). My thoughts immediately jump to the EC-135 for EMS, police, etc. Something very cool and different with it's fenestron tail. This helicopter is very popular and would be the perfect Eurocopter model to add. Perhaps maybe a Bell 407 or 429 would be awesome. And of course, who wouldn't love to see a Sikorsky S-70 (Black Hawk) in the game- one of the most popular, proven helicopters ever built.

A few more helicopters, carefully crafted to be equally beautiful as the original three, with authentic flight models, would take this game to the next level.

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Personally I can do nothing more than agree with you and add some more suggestions to this thread. I would really like to fly, for example, a Chinook which is a known helicopter with many capabilities. It would be a unique flight experience that could be accompanied by some military type missions such as troop transportation which would provide a perfect multiplayer environment for those who add arma 3 or take on helicopters rearmed to their game-play. And one more ,Agusta, hello would be nice. The AW139 which could serve for different kinds of missions, military and commercial.

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