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Respawn not working

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hm it`s not working I made a map on desert island

which I exported as a multiplayer mission and I made the

text file which I put in user\username\mpmissions

I made the mission so I started as the officer and I made 8 other soldiers as "playable" I can`t figure out what I did wrong ?

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This is what you do:

Create a map and have 2 markers on it called Respawn_west and Respawn_east.

Save the map.

Go to OFP\users\username\missions\missionName

create a description.EXT

put this in the description.EXT:


Respawndelay=20 (or whatever U want)

Open the mission in the editor and export it to MP missions.

That should work I think.

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Bump your thread by all means when it drops to the next page but don't start a new one about the same thing just for the sake of it, I've closed your other one smile.gif

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Nah I tried it..I made a map with 11 players 1 as player and the rest as playable then I made the markers with the repawn

( I only write it in the text file ) and then I saved it, made the

description file put it in the mission name folder and then entered the map and saved it as a mpmission. I don`t think

I did anything wrong...well abviously since it ain`t working but I don`t know what ?

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In your mission editor, place a marker (I use a blue dot). Title it Respawn_west. Do not place anything in the text field.

Save. Exit.

Search through your codemasters file to find a previously created description.EXT file. Copy it (not move) to your repsective mission folder. Paste. Edit with notepad. Change the code to



Or whatever you want. Don't keep whatever was originally there. Save. Don't "save as", just save.

Good to go.

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I've been searching the forums for ages for an answer to "The Respawn Question", hopefully this will work (havn't tried it yet). Thankx InqWiper and ct!! for the answers.

But i was just wondering, I assume this will make you respawn 20 seconds after you are dead, 3 times, then you're dead for good. (I can see how to change that), but how do you make your player move into the next AI controled player in your group? I assume thats a totally different method.

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Nope 3 is the type of spawn, it goes something like.......

1. No Respawn

2. Respawn as Seagull

3. Respawn back into the next AI soldier available.

4. Respawn as yourself on the spot.

That's prolly not right but gives you an idea smile.gif

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