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Spwaning Vehicles and Detecting Smoke.

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Hey all, so I need to make two vehicles spawn, B_Lifeboats when a script detects that smoke has been thrown in a trigger area. So the smoke is thrown by a Blufor unit, it waits about two minutes and then two boats are spawned facing West, stationary and unlocked.

Thanks for the help!

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I think you have to use a fired eventhandler and check if the unit is throwing a smoke and if the unit is inside the trigger area.

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I used this to detect when green smoke has been used, not 100% tested for ammo types in A3.

Just place this in the throwers init box

this addEventHandler ["fired",{_this execvm "detect_smoke.sqf"}]

save as detect_smoke.sqf

//this addEventHandler ["fired",{_this execvm "detect_smoke.sqf"}]
_shooter = _this Select 0; 
_ammotype = _this Select 4;

//hint format["%1",_ammotype];

sleep 2;
switch (_ammotype) do

   case "SmokeShellGreen":
      Hint "Green Smoke Detected";


     case "1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell":
      Hint "Green SmokeShell Detected";

       case "FlareGreen_F":
      Hint "Green Flare Detected";

      case "3Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell":
      Hint "Green SmokeShell Detected";

       case "UGL_FlareGreen_F":
      Hint "Green Flare Detected";

     case "3Rnd_UGL_FlareGreen_F":
      Hint "Green Flare Detected";

Replace the hint with the code you want to run or better to let it launch another script that does the spawning.

[] execvm "spawn_boat.sqf";

Sorry don't have time to go into that right now but there are several posts on spawning stuff.

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