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Getting choppers to land under fire.

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Hi there.

I am creating a mission where enemies establish a beachhead and then re-enforce their position with transport helicopters. I have given the choppers landing zones safe from enemy fire however they seem uninterested in landing with their cargo. This does not happen when there is no fighting going on.

Is there a way to make the pilot AI oblivious to what is going on so that he can land, unload and move on as quickly as possible? Is it possible to get them to act with such determination?

Thanks in advance.

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Heli setcaptive true; stops the enemy firing at the heli.


Pilot allowfleeing 0; gives the pilot the greatest courage, 1 would make him a coward.

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I would try "heli1 setBehaviour "CARELESS" when you want to make the heli oblivous to the enemy, and then "heli1 setBehaviour "AWARE" when you want it to wakeup again.

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I have tried careless to no affect.

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None of the above will work except for setcaptive true. Using heliname disableAI "TARGET"; helinane disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; heliname allowfleeing 0; does not work. I wish they would fix this, it was an issue in ARMA 2 as well. Also using heliname land "land" does not work either.

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Thanks for the suggestion cobra but i seem to have found another way by experimentation. placing a trigger that activates when the helicopter is near its invisible H with on init:

{unassignVehicle _x} forEach crew helicoptername;

will work even when the chopper is under direct fire.

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I have been playing around with heli land "land", sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. There are tons of threads on this already, I hope they fix it since we shouldn't have to go through all this trouble for a hot LZ, transport unload and careless behavior should be enough to make the helicopter land.

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