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Support module help

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when i die i cannot request heli evac as the support module stops working anyone else having same issue when i click communication and then heli support it fades out?

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yeah im using requester alongsider the heli support module both sync up one to player and one to ai pilot works fine but when i die i try and recall heli and it allows me to select helicopter but then when i get to next menu it fades out.

helicopter1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [jeraok]; 

using the above code to re sync after death i put this _guy synchronizeobjects add [helicopter1]; to my ai respawn script that works instead of using trigger for ai but when i die modules dont work even with re sync command.

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Anyone have a solution for this?

Because right now the workaround is not to die :P

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lol only workaround i could see is a script that spawns modules when player re spawns but i dunno how to do that, in my eyes it's a bug.

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