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Tasks beyond the first one not working properly

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Hi, I've given up entirely on task modules after pouring endless hours into trying to use them and now I'm trying to make tasks for my mission the old fashioned way. I got the first bit set up already.

Now, for my mission what I wanted was the team to start in a helicopter with a task to go to an LZ, then get shot down after a while at which point the task is cancelled and replaced. From what I've learned searching about the web in threads like this I'm supposed to do all of this in the briefing.sqf.

Now the first task and it's cancellation is in the briefing.sqf, but after that I wasn't able to add task number 2 without having it visible at the start of the mission, so I added it to a trigger instead, which worked - sort of.

What I have in the trigger:

saveGame; tskTask1 setTaskState "Canceled"; task2=player CreateSimpleTask ["Regroup at the LZ"]; tskTask2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["With the helicopter unusable, try to make it to the LZ by other means.", "placeholder", "placeholder"]; tskTask2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "task2marker"); player setCurrentTask tskTask2;

The problem that presents itself with this is 1. the task will not become active, 2. the task marker does not work 3. the trigger I placed for task completion will not work either.

Completion trigger:

tskTask2 setTaskState "Succeeded";


tskTask1 = player createSimpleTask ["Get to the <marker name='task1marker'>LZ</marker>"];
tskTask1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Meet up with friendlies at the <marker name='task1marker'>LZ</marker>", "placeholder", "placeholder"];
tskTask1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "task1marker");
player setCurrentTask tskTask1;
tskTask2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "task1marker");

Will any tasks I add that I don't want visible at the start of the mission have to be added through triggers? Will these commands even work in triggers? Doesn't really look like they will, but I found some thread somewhere telling someone to add a task through a trigger so I got the impression it would work.

I've been trying what I thought would maybe take a few hours for a stupid amount of time over the last three days and I would really appreciate it if anyone could give me some insight as to what I'm doing wrong here, I've searched a lot of places already but everything I've tried has more or less given me the same result or worse.

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I used the new task module system and was able to get it working. I did however run into an issue, that I think might be a bug I'm not sure yet though I need to test more to see but When adding tasks I got to 5 tasks and after the 5th one, they started not showing up. For example I made 7 tasks, when I finished the tasks the first 2 that I made, which worked at the time, no longer worked. Spent hours screwing around with it. Saved my mission, restarted the ARMA3 ALPHA and redid the first 2 tasks and saved. Now all 7 tasks work. Also more on note to your end questions I have been searching for a way to get a task assigned after another is complete but from what I have read i've only seen it done through triggers, which I don't find to be as dependable because who is to say they are going to walk into it? Then again, maybe If we synced the create task trigger with the previous tasks complete task trigger and then synced an set task state trigger to that one... hmmm, brain just stopped working lol At least it's wrote down, try and run with that =P

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Can't tell ya how many hours most of us have poured into this topic; searching becomes a hobby unto itself. Without actually getting into it at the moment, here's a few sample bookmarks from my collection;





Edit: another very useful habit is to de-pbo other missions, and reverse-engineer/edit/borrow/steal.

BTW Twin2Win - Triggers are much more than just something players 'walk into'. They are much more versatile than that. Trigger by time, trigger by event, trigger by trigger....... Trigger the horse ...

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I found the problem here, I didn't notice because it was so messy in the trigger field, but basically I assigned the task to be called task2 instead of tsktask2 which is what the destination was set for and all that. Sorry for wasting your time guys.

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