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AddAction ran from Server script on Spawned Object

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I have a server side script where an addaction is added to a spawned object, a unit. I used raddaction in the past but that does not seem to work now. Any ideas how to properly get this to work with a server side spawned object?

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rAddAction was part of the old Multiplayer Framework which appears to have been revamped for A3 and no longer works the same way. BIS_fnc_MP has replaced it for remotely executing code (you can look it up in the functions viewer (or in this post) for details on parameters and such).

You could use BIS_fnc_MP to add the code to all the clients, but just note you would have to create your own function that added the addAction to the vehicle and load it into memory first. You could also try setVehicleInit and processInitCommands after you create the vehicle which will broadcast it across the network to it will be added on all clients. Lastly, you could also try public variable events handlers and publicVariable to tell the clients when to add the action to the vehicle.

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Thanks for the reply, will look into it. Be nice to have pub variable for the addaction


Looks like using the setVehicleInit and processInitCommands worked out well. May not be the best method but it works and I am happy with that.

Edited by Ghost

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Thanks for the reply, will look into it. Be nice to have pub variable for the addaction


Looks like using the setVehicleInit and processInitCommands worked out well. May not be the best method but it works and I am happy with that.

In what way did you use it Ghost? I am trying to do the same thing, spawning vehicles with actions attached but when I local host it only I ( the server) gets the action. I tried using the setvehicleinit way but the action still only showed for me and not the person helping me test it. I had:

// _veh1 is the name of the vehicle

_veh1  setVehicleInit "_veh1  addAction [""Take Stuff"", ""scripts\carintel1.sqf"", [], 1, false, true, """", ""showAction1""];";

and as I said the action was still only added for the server. Have I done anything wrong there?

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showAction1 must be true for action to show. Try without it

_veh1 setVehicleInit "_veh1 addAction [""Take Stuff"", ""scripts\carintel1.sqf"", [], 1, false, true, """", """"];";


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showAction1 must be true for action to show. Try without it

_veh1 setVehicleInit "_veh1 addAction [""Take Stuff"", ""scripts\carintel1.sqf"", [], 1, false, true, """", """"];";


Yeah, I also have showAction1=true; publicVariable "showAction1"; in the script before that stuff but I didn't put it in my post. The action does show, just only for the server and nobody else, but this way of doing it is meant to get around that problem.

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addaction is local command check wiki, arguments local effect local. you need to execute it on every machine

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addaction is local command check wiki, arguments local effect local. you need to execute it on every machine

... :Oo:

yes I know that, that's what I'm trying to do which is why I'm here asking how to make it add the action for everybody from a server run script instead of only the server.

Edited by clydefrog

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This is easy. Make a function on every client that will add action, add public variable event handler as well so it executes said function if a certain public variable changes, then publicVariable "yourvariable" from the server. this will trigger your function on every client.

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This is easy. Make a function on every client that will add action, add public variable event handler as well so it executes said function if a certain public variable changes, then publicVariable "yourvariable" from the server. this will trigger your function on every client.

Any chance you could show an example of this?

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you can try something like this

if (!isDedicated) then {
fnc_addActionToVehicle = {
	_this addAction ["Take Stuff", "scripts\carintel1.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", ""];
addActionToVehicle = [];
"addActionToVehicle" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fnc_addActionToVehicle};

//to add action just for your client
_veh call fnc_addActionToVehicle;

//to add action for everyone else
addActionToVehicle = _veh;
publicVariable "addActionToVehicle";

Edited by Killzone_Kid

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Sorry I was away for a while, this is what I used

//add save action
_object setVehicleInit "ghst_myscript = this addAction ['<t color=""#ffff00"">The Action</t>', 'scripts\objectives\ghst_myscript.sqf', [], 6, true, true, '','alive _target'];";

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