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Enable artillery support on demand

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Hi Guys.... *sigh* it's me again....

At least i easily managed to get an artillery suppoert with mortars in my MP mission.

No i have the problem that this support is available all the time.

I want the support to get available with a trigger, is that possible at all?

In my case a helo lands in a designated spot, when his crew crosses a trigger a want the artillery module to be available...

Thanks in advance


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Is this static location of arty or cursor location? Either way you should be able to create an artillery script and run it with a execVM

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There are 2 mortar units placed on the map which the player group can let fire at cursor position.

Now i want to achive that they can't do this the whole mission long, only when they reached a particular spot in the map.

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I might be talking complete bs, because I've never tried this. So you have my apology if this doesn't work.

According to arma logic you should be able to place a trigger on the map which reacts to the player entering the area, then synchronize the trigger placed with the support request/provider module.

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Sorry, but this is not working :-/

what i tried now:

i unsynched the requester module with the player.

on a trigger i put: supportReq synchronizeObjectsAdd [p1];

but everything i get is "missing ;" and pointing after "supportReq"...

edit: thats a copy and paste error... i forgot an "s" in the synchronize command....

but its still not working, i can't request support, so it seems the requester module is not being synched to the player....

nevermind - i got it -.- was a typo

so if anybody else want to do this:

put the line "SUPPORTREQUESTERNAME synchronizeObjectsAdd [uNITNAME]

in a trigger ;)

Edited by Wayan

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I know this thread is kinda old, but it's the closest that I found to a solution to my problem.

I want to enable CAS(heli attack) mid-mission after a certain condition is met, I tried simply syncing the module to the trigger, but that did not work.

So I then tried to sync it to the player with a trigger, and it kinda works. but since I have mortar support available from the start it does not seem to update the sync until after I try to use the mortar.

But if I remove the mortar it works, so I instead tried to desync the requester module and sync it to a new one with both supports, but it was still the same.

Has anyone solved this issue? is there a way to add new support after the mission has started. or change the number of supports available (so I can put CAS at 0 at start and change later).

many thanks!

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