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Map from E3 Demo?

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I'm not sure if this has already been ask, I've been searching for this but unsure if it was out or just named differently. But wanted to know if there was a way to get the Demo map from E3 that you see on youtube of them testing out arma 3. It'll be nice to use that map and what it had on it.

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hmm i remember seeing Stratis being used in one of E3's demo but i could be wrong i'll check again to make sure it was Stratis not Altisa.

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Yes, that is Stratis. When you say map do you mean the mission he is playing?

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I think he means the E3 demos where they're at Camp Maxwell. That location is present on Stratis, you can find it on the mid-south end of the island; they covered it with trees, but the helipad is well enough exposed.

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yeah where camp maxwell is at, its always nice to have it scripted to have it running like the demo maybe on a single player mission or just on multiplayer

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