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Capture and hold trigger issues

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I'm trying to create a capture and hold mission, and i ran into a bit of a problem. Now i got the capture triggers working as intended (they change colour properly when red or blue enters the area), and i got vehicle respawn and ai recruiting scripts working. Now the only problem i'm having is ending the game when all 5 points are captured.

Now this is the setup. On each capture point i have 2 triggers. One for when the blue team captures the point and one for the red.

They look like this except the different marker names:


Then i have a switch that checks if all 5 of them are activated:


And if they are an ending switch:


So what am i doing wrong? And did i bite into something i can't handle right now? :p

---------- Post added at 15:21 ---------- Previous post was at 14:29 ----------


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Well still didn't find anything that works. One last cry for help and im off to sleep.

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Seems to work ok here, markers all turn blue game ends.

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I'm pretty new to all this, so don't take my answer as a dead cert. Assume your second to last trigger is correctly done, try adding this line to your last triggers on act. box. and change the box on bottom left to countdown and put 5 in each of the boxes below. Min: 5 Mid: 5 Max:5. that will add a 5 second delay before ending the mission as it is always nice to savor your win before the mission ends.

"END1" call BIS_fnc_endMission;

This code brings up the nice fuzzy ending that you see in the show cases. Give it a try hopefully it will work. Other than that, you may just have a typo somewhere.


Edited by skipspence

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Seems to work ok here, markers all turn blue game ends.

Did you by any chance put soldiers on all the capturable points? Because it seems to trigger only when there are troops on every capturable point. Now i can do this by spawning a sentry of sort on each point when it is captured but im trying to avoid that, cause that just brings extra ai in the picture and more lag. I tried putting in a check that once an objective is captured it would say: for example:

 redobj1 = TRUE; 

and then have trigger that checks if redobj1-5 are TRUE, and if they are trigger a win. That didnt work either.


Oh and i think it has something to do with the triggers cause i already tried that, but i like that 5 second delay so thank you :)

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I think a soldier must have entered the waypoint but it doesn't need to remain there.

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I think a soldier must have entered the waypoint but it doesn't need to remain there.

Hmm. Could i kindly ask for your mission.sqm if you have it? I seem to be missing something.

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It will take some time and you will need to walk into the nearest trigger to activate that one.

Another option would be just to have the trigger activate if there are no OPFOR present that way you won't even have to enter the trigger.

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It will take some time and you will need to walk into the nearest trigger to activate that one.

Another option would be just to have the trigger activate if there are no OPFOR present that way you won't even have to enter the trigger.

Thank you for uploading. Now it has the same issue as mine. All 5 triggers are activated, however the end doesn't fire if you don't have soldiers on all five 2A9B01BEA45C8927C76286B7E457F6EF4FC03B36

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I'm not sure about that, I'll check again later. Are the triggers deactivating when a Blufor leave the trigger?

Try placing a hint or change marker colour in deactivation and see if that's what's happening.

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I'm not sure about that, I'll check again later. Are the triggers deactivating when a Blufor leave the trigger?

Try placing a hint or change marker colour in deactivation and see if that's what's happening.

Yep thats correct the triggers deactivate when Blufor leaves (just tested it) . Good call. Now how to keep them active, and capturable by the enemy?

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this or {side _x == east} count thislist ==0

Maybe that will work, if you seize it or no OPFOR are present the trigger should be activated.

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