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avibird 1

How can you set a groupID when using a SQF to spawn the units into the mission.

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I know how to setup a groupID using the units initbox when the unit is put down in the editor. This setGroupId ["Alpha Tank Platoon"];

If I am using a script to call in a tank Platoon

_pos = [(getPosATL Player select 0) + (500 * sin(180)), (getPosATL Player select 1) + (500 * cos(180)), 0];

GroupTank = CreateGroup West;

TK1 = {ect,ect ect}.

How can a set the whole groupID like using the editor.

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GroupTank = CreateGroup West;
GroupTank  setGroupId ["Alpha Tank Platoon"];

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Hey cuel That was the first things I attempted): does not work when using the SQF to spawn the units for the mission. The code works fine if you use the editor for unit placement. Thanks for the reply and other ideas! let me know.

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Well do you join the created units to the GroupTank?

GroupTank = CreateGroup West;
GroupTank  setGroupId ["Alpha Tank Platoon"];

// ...

[unit1, Unit2, Unit3] join GroupTank;

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hey XxAnimusxX the group is not under my control. The group will stay around my general location using the SAD waypoints. still can't get the ID to show up. any input would be great. AVIBIRD

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Well I didnt mean that they have to join your group or anything, but because you didn't show us more of your script (like how you actually spawn the units), I assumed that you didn't join your newly created units into the GroupTank.

I think we can help you better if you show us an expanded section of your code, especially the part where the units get spawned.

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