LeYuno 1 Posted March 12, 2013 (edited) Hi everyone, I've been trying to create a custom class through an addon in arma3. does the cfgpatches require a certain mockup regarding the folder structure that contains the config.cpp file with my custom class? I saw something similar like "A3_animals_f_rabbit" in the cfgpatches code of the originalrabbit file, meaning the A3/animals_f/rabbit folder. I tested this with A3/rabbidz/rabbid ~ A3_rabbidz_rabbid but to no avail. info.cpp code for rabbid; this is in essence the info.bin file from the rabbit animal class, which I altered. Changed cfgpatches class name to A3_Rabbidz_Rabbid as the folder structure from the pbo is @rabbidz/addons/ (rabbid/config.cpp).pbo Added cfgVehicleClasses to it, defining the class RabbidVehicleClass with displayname Rabbid. Changed cfgVehicleclass to have the class rabbid added as a vehicle, with vehicleclass set to the new rabbidvehicleclass as indicated above, with displayname rabbid. Below the rabbid info.cpp file I posted the map file I created to require my addon. When I load it up in the editor I still get a missing addon error, even though @rabbidz is listed in the addons list ingame. class CfgPatches { class A3_Rabbidz_Rabbid { units = {"Rabbid"}; weapons = {}; requiredVersion = 0.100000; requiredAddons = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class RabbidVehicleClass { displayName = "Rabbid"; }; }; class UniformSlotInfo { slotType = 0; linkProxy = "-"; }; class CfgMovesAnimal_Base_F { access = 1; collisionVertexPattern = {}; collisionGeomCompPattern = {1}; class Default { access = 3; file = ""; looped = 1; speed = 0.700000; disableWeapons = 0; enableOptics = 1; disableWeaponsLong = 0; canreload = 1; showWeaponAim = 1; enableMissile = 0; enableBinocular = 1; showItemInHand = 0; showItemInRightHand = 0; showHandGun = 0; onLandBeg = 0; onLandEnd = 0; onLadder = 0; canPullTrigger = 1; duty = -0.510000; predictSpeedCoef = 1; visibleSize = 1; aimPrecision = 1; relSpeedMin = 1.000000; relSpeedMax = 1.000000; soundEnabled = 1; soundOverride = ""; soundEdge = {0.500000, 1}; soundEdge1 = 0.500000; soundEdge2 = 1; terminal = 0; limitGunMovement = 1; variantsPlayer = {}; variantsAI = {}; equivalentTo = ""; connectAs = ""; variantAfter = {5, 10, 20}; connectFrom = {}; connectTo = {}; interpolateWith = {}; interpolateTo = {}; interpolateFrom = {}; aiming = "aimingNo"; leaning = "aimingNo"; untiltWeapon = "aimingNo"; aimingBody = "aimingUpDefault"; legs = "legsNo"; head = "headDefault"; leaningFactorBeg = 0; leaningFactorEnd = 0; leaningFactorZeroPoint = -1; leaningCorrectionAngleBeg = 0; leaningCorrectionAngleEnd = 0; interpolationSpeed = 6; interpolationRestart = 0; hasCollShapeSafe = 0; collisionShapeSafe = ""; boundingSphere = 1; enableDirectControl = 1; enableAutoActions = 0; leftHandIKBeg = 0; leftHandIKEnd = 0; leftHandIKCurve = 0; rightHandIKCurve = 0; rightHandIKBeg = 0; rightHandIKEnd = 0; weaponIK = 0; preload = 0; walkcycles = 1; forceAim = 0; showDisposableGun = 0; headBobStrength = 0.200000; headBobMode = 1; }; class StandBase: Default { duty = -1; head = "headDefault"; speed = 10000000000.000000; relSpeedMin = 0.700000; relSpeedMax = 1.100000; looped = 1; soundEnabled = 1; enableDirectControl = 0; disableWeapons = 1; disableWeaponsLong = 1; }; class DefaultDie: Default { aiming = "aimingNo"; legs = "legsNo"; head = "headNo"; }; class ManActions { Stop = ""; StopRelaxed = ""; TurnL = ""; TurnR = ""; TurnLRelaxed = ""; TurnRRelaxed = ""; Default = ""; JumpOff = ""; ReloadMagazine = ""; ReloadMGun = ""; ReloadAT = ""; ReloadMortar = ""; ThrowGrenade = ""; WalkF = ""; WalkLF = ""; WalkRF = ""; WalkL = ""; WalkR = ""; WalkLB = ""; WalkRB = ""; WalkB = ""; SlowF = ""; SlowLF = ""; SlowRF = ""; SlowL = ""; SlowR = ""; SlowLB = ""; SlowRB = ""; SlowB = ""; FastF = ""; FastLF = ""; FastRF = ""; FastL = ""; FastR = ""; FastLB = ""; FastRB = ""; FastB = ""; EvasiveForward = ""; EvasiveLeft = ""; EvasiveRight = ""; EvasiveBack = ""; StartSwim = ""; StopSwim = ""; Down = ""; Up = ""; PlayerStand = ""; PlayerCrouch = ""; PlayerProne = ""; Lying = ""; Stand = ""; Combat = ""; Crouch = ""; CanNotMove = ""; Civil = ""; CivilLying = ""; FireNotPossible = ""; Die = ""; WeaponOn = ""; WeaponOff = ""; StrokeFist = ""; StrokeGun = ""; SitDown = ""; Salute = ""; BinocOn = ""; BinocOff = ""; PutDown = ""; PutDownEnd = ""; Medic = ""; Treated = ""; LadderOnDown = ""; LadderOnUp = ""; LadderOff = ""; LadderOffTop = ""; LadderOffBottom = ""; GetInLow = ""; GetInMedium = ""; GetInHigh = ""; GetOutLow = ""; GetOutMedium = ""; GetOutHigh = ""; TakeFlag = ""; HandGunOn = ""; LookAround = ""; Eat = ""; StopEat = ""; Rest = ""; StopRest = ""; }; class Actions { class NoActions: ManActions { turnSpeed = 8; limitFast = 5.500000; useFastMove = 0; stance = "ManStanceUndefined"; upDegree = 0; }; }; class Interpolations { }; transitionsInterpolated = {}; transitionsSimple = {}; transitionsDisabled = {}; class BlendAnims { aimingDefault = {"head", 1}; untiltWeaponDefault = {}; legsDefault = {}; headDefault = {"Head", 1}; aimingNo = {}; legsNo = {}; headNo = {}; aimingUpDefault = {}; }; }; class CfgMovesRabbit_F: CfgMovesAnimal_Base_F { access = 1; skeletonName = "Rabbit_F"; collisionVertexPattern = {"1a", "2a", "3a", "4a", "5a", "6a", "7a", "8a", "9a", "10a", "11a", "12a", "13a", "14a", "15a", "16a", "17a", "18a", "19a", "20a", "21a", "22a", "23a", "24a", "25a", "26a", "27a", "28a", "29a", "30a", "31a", "32a", "33a", "34a"}; collisionGeomCompPattern = {1}; class Default: Default { collisionShape = "A3\animals_f\Rabbit\Rabbit_CollShape.p3d"; actions = "RabbitActions"; }; class StandBase: Default { actions = "RabbitActions"; aiming = "aimingDefault"; leaningFactorBeg = 1; leaningFactorEnd = 1; disableWeapons = 1; disableWeaponsLong = 1; }; class DefaultDie: Default { aiming = "aimingNo"; legs = "legsNo"; head = "headNo"; disableWeapons = 1; interpolationRestart = 1; soundEdge1 = 0.450000; soundEdge2 = 0.450000; }; class States { class Rabbit_Stop: StandBase { file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_basicIdle"; duty = -1; variantsAI = {"Rabbit_Stop", 0.200000, "Rabbit_StopV1", 0.600000, "Rabbit_Hop", 0.200000}; speed = 1.000000; relSpeedMin = 1.000000; relSpeedMax = 1.000000; connectTo = {"Rabbit_Stop", 0.020000, "Rabbit_StopV1", 0.020000, "Rabbit_Hop", 0.100000}; connectFrom = {"Rabbit_Stop", 0.020000, "Rabbit_StopV1", 0.020000, "Rabbit_Hop", 0.100000}; interpolateTo = {"Rabbit_Hop", 0.100000, "Rabbit_Die", 0.100000}; preload = 1; }; class Rabbit_Init: Rabbit_Stop { actions = "RabbitActions"; }; class Rabbit_StopV1: Rabbit_Stop { file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_idleLookAround"; connectTo = {"Rabbit_Stop", 0.020000, "Rabbit_StopV1", 0.010000, "Rabbit_Hop", 0.100000}; speed = -6.000000; }; class Rabbit_Hop: StandBase { file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_hop"; duty = -0.700000; speed = -0.600000; connectFrom = {"Rabbit_Run", 0.100000, "Rabbit_Stop", 0.100000}; connectTo = {"Rabbit_Run", 0.100000, "Rabbit_Stop", 0.100000}; interpolateTo = {"Rabbit_Die", 0.100000}; }; class Rabbit_Run: StandBase { file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_run"; duty = -0.500000; relSpeedMin = 0.500000; relSpeedMax = 1.000000; speed = -0.600000; connectFrom = {"Rabbit_Sprint", 0.200000, "Rabbit_Hop", 0.100000}; connectTo = {"Rabbit_Sprint", 0.200000, "Rabbit_Hop", 0.100000}; interpolateTo = {"Rabbit_Die", 0.100000}; }; class Rabbit_Sprint: StandBase { file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_run"; duty = 0.500000; relSpeedMin = 0.500000; relSpeedMax = 1.000000; speed = -0.300000; connectTo = {"Rabbit_Sprint", 0.100000, "Rabbit_Run", 0.200000}; connectFrom = {"Rabbit_Sprint", 0.100000, "Rabbit_Run", 0.200000}; interpolateTo = {"Rabbit_Die", 0.100000}; }; class Rabbit_Die: DefaultDie { actions = "NoActions"; file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_death"; speed = 1.400000; looped = 0; variantsPlayer = {}; variantsAI = {"Rabbit_Die", 0.500000, "Rabbit_Die3", 0.500000}; variantAfter = {0, 0, 0}; terminal = 1; }; class Rabbit_Die3: Rabbit_Die { file = "\A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Anim\rabbit_death3"; }; }; class Actions: Actions { class NoActions: NoActions { turnSpeed = 15; limitFast = 5.500000; useFastMove = 0; upDegree = 0; }; class RabbitActions: NoActions { Stop = "Rabbit_Stop"; StopRelaxed = "Rabbit_Stop"; TurnL = "Rabbit_Stop"; TurnR = "Rabbit_Stop"; TurnLRelaxed = "Rabbit_Stop"; TurnRRelaxed = "Rabbit_Stop"; Default = "Rabbit_Stop"; JumpOff = "Rabbit_Stop"; WalkF = "Rabbit_Hop"; SlowF = "Rabbit_Sprint"; FastF = "Rabbit_Sprint"; EvasiveForward = "Rabbit_Sprint"; Down = "Rabbit_Stop"; Up = "Rabbit_Stop"; PlayerStand = "Rabbit_Stop"; PlayerCrouch = "Rabbit_Stop"; PlayerProne = "Rabbit_Stop"; Lying = "Rabbit_Stop"; Stand = "Rabbit_Stop"; Combat = "Rabbit_Stop"; Crouch = "Rabbit_Stop"; CanNotMove = "Rabbit_Stop"; Civil = "Rabbit_Stop"; CivilLying = "Rabbit_Stop"; FireNotPossible = "Rabbit_Stop"; Die = "Rabbit_Die"; LookAround = "rabbit_stopV1"; turnSpeed = 300; limitFast = 5.500000; useFastMove = 0; upDegree = "ManPosNoWeapon"; }; }; class Interpolations { }; transitionsInterpolated = {}; transitionsSimple = {}; transitionsDisabled = {}; class BlendAnims: BlendAnims { aimingDefault = {"head", 1, "leftEar", 1, "rightEar", 1}; untiltWeaponDefault = {}; legsDefault = {}; headDefault = {}; aimingNo = {}; legsNo = {}; headNo = {}; aimingUpDefault = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { /*extern*/ class Animal_Base_F; class Rabbid: Animal_Base_F { scope = 2; vehicleClass = "RabbidVehicleClass"; displayName = "Rabbid"; model = "\A3\Animals_F\rabbit\rabbit_F.p3d"; side = 1; moves = "CfgMovesRabbit_F"; fsmFormation = ""; fsmDanger = ""; maxTurnAngularVelocity = 30; costTurnCoef = 0.000010; boneHead = "head"; bonePrimaryWeapon = "head"; weaponBone = "head"; triggerAnim = ""; respawnLinkedItems = {"ItemMap", "ItemCompass"}; class VariablesScalar { _threatMaxRadius = 20; _runDistanceMax = 50; _movePrefer = 0.700000; _formationPrefer = 0.200000; _scareLimit = 0.200000; _dangerLimit = 1.000000; }; class VariablesString { _expSafe = "(0.5 * meadow) * (0.5 * trees) * (1 - forest) * (1 - houses) * (1 - sea)"; _expDanger = "(trees) * (forest) * (1 - meadow) * (1 - houses) * (1 - sea)"; }; class Wounds { tex = {}; mat = {"A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\Rabbit.rvmat", "A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\W1_Rabbit.rvmat", "A3\Animals_F\Rabbit\data\W2_Rabbit.rvmat"}; }; }; }; enum { destructengine = 2, destructdefault = 6, destructwreck = 7, destructtree = 3, destructtent = 4, stabilizedinaxisx = 1, stabilizedinaxesxyz = 4, stabilizedinaxisy = 2, stabilizedinaxesboth = 3, destructno = 0, stabilizedinaxesnone = 0, destructman = 5, destructbuilding = 1 } map.sqm code: version=12; class Mission { addOns[]= { "A3_Animals_F_Rabbit", "a3_map_stratis", "A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR", "A3_Rabbidz_Rabbid" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR", "A3_Animals_F_Rabbit", "a3_map_stratis", "A3_Rabbidz_Rabbid" }; randomSeed=9391499; class Intel { resistanceEast=1; startWeather=0.29999998; startWind=0.099999994; startWaves=0.099999994; forecastWeather=0.29999998; forecastWind=0.099999994; forecastWaves=0.099999994; forecastLightnings=0.099999994; year=2035; month=7; day=6; hour=14; minute=15; }; class Groups { items=1; class Item0 { side="WEST"; class Vehicles { items=6; class Item0 { position[]={1780.009,5.5,5561.2144}; special="NONE"; id=0; side="WEST"; vehicle="B_Soldier_F"; player="PLAYER COMMANDER"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; init="this addVest ""U_BasicBody""; this addWeapon ""ItemMap""; this assignItem ""ItemMap"""; }; class Item1 { position[]={1773.7485,5.5,5561.6855}; azimut=80; id=1; side="WEST"; vehicle="Rabbid"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addVest ""U_BasicBody""; this addWeapon ""ItemMap""; this assignItem ""ItemMap"""; }; class Item2 { position[]={1767.4274,5.5,5562.3076}; azimut=30; id=2; side="WEST"; vehicle="Rabbid"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addVest ""U_BasicBody""; this addWeapon ""ItemMap""; this assignItem ""ItemMap"""; }; class Item3 { position[]={1760.2816,5.5,5562.8398}; azimut=30; special="NONE"; id=3; side="WEST"; vehicle="Rabbid"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addVest ""U_BasicBody""; this addWeapon ""ItemMap""; this assignItem ""ItemMap"""; }; class Item4 { position[]={1752.8662,5.5,5562.98}; azimut=30; special="NONE"; id=4; side="WEST"; vehicle="Rabbid"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addVest ""U_BasicBody""; this addWeapon ""ItemMap""; this assignItem ""ItemMap"""; }; class Item5 { position[]={1786.9456,5.5,5559.5962}; special="NONE"; id=5; side="WEST"; vehicle="Rabbid"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addVest ""U_BasicBody""; this addWeapon ""ItemMap""; this assignItem ""ItemMap"""; }; }; }; }; }; class Intro { addOns[]= { "a3_map_stratis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_stratis" }; randomSeed=11066353; class Intel { timeOfChanges=1800.0002; startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=7; day=6; hour=14; minute=15; }; }; class OutroWin { addOns[]= { "a3_map_stratis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_stratis" }; randomSeed=14882430; class Intel { timeOfChanges=1800.0002; startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=7; day=6; hour=14; minute=15; }; }; class OutroLoose { addOns[]= { "a3_map_stratis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_stratis" }; randomSeed=15462346; class Intel { timeOfChanges=1800.0002; startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=7; day=6; hour=14; minute=15; }; }; any help is deeply appreciated. Edited March 13, 2013 by LeYuno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted March 12, 2013 @LeYuno, i can that you are a new member. Please search and post in the correct section, this is for complete addons. Try posting in the Editing Section: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?170-ARMA-3-ALPHA-ADDONS-Configs-amp-Scripting Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeYuno 1 Posted March 13, 2013 (edited) Hello R0adkil1, thanks, I didn't realise I was posting this in the wrong section. I hope someone will be able to help. I edited the initial post with extra information. any help is deeply appreciated. Edited March 13, 2013 by LeYuno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites